Wave of Pharmacy Burglaries in Marche-en-Famenne – Famenne-Ardenne Police Zone Investigates

2023-11-28 11:42:00

Bad surprise this Tuesday morning for four pharmacies in the town of Marche-en-Famenne. When the employees opened the doors of their pharmacies, there was chaos: medicines on the ground and cash robbed.

A wave of burglaries confirmed this Tuesday morning by the Famenne-Ardenne police zone, whose investigators were hard at work all morning trying to collect any possible clues. “The investigation is indeed open. Experts have actually visited these pharmacies and the videos from the surveillance cameras will be analyzed”indicates Commissioner Didier Lambert, director of operations for the Famenne-Ardenne police zone.

These burglaries targeted two pharmacies in the city center of Marche-en-Famenne: the Debor pharmacy on rue du Commerce and the Denis pharmacy on rue Jean de Bohème behind the Saint Remacle church. “It was indeed a very unpleasant surprise when we opened the doors of our pharmacy this Tuesday morning, we explain from the Denis pharmacy. The thieves broke down the front door before sneaking on all fours towards the cash registers. This is what we saw on the surveillance cameras. Then, they took the cash and took no medication. A pittance in comparison to the damage caused.”

Same modus operandi at the Debor pharmacy on rue du Commerce in downtown Marche.

And an equally similar observation at the Familia pharmacy, Chaussée de Rochefort, in Marloie. “At our house, the burglars first tried to break a window at the back of the building before using a crowbar to break the frame and break into the pharmacy. Inside, they then had everything jostled before seizing the cash fund”, explains the manager of the Marlovanese pharmacy. There too for a pittance in comparison to the damage recorded.

The last pharmacy victim of this wave of thefts was that of On.

#MarcheenFamenne #Wave #burglaries #night #pharmacies #town

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