Water: when a communist senator writes in Le Figaro

Water: when a communist senator writes in Le Figaro

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When a communist senator from the Loire, in this case Mrs Cécile Cukierman, wrote in Le Figarothis gives ” Water: “There is still time to avoid running out of fuel in ten years” »

In capo:

« For PCF senator from Loire Cécile Cukierman, global warming and tensions in Sainte-Soline around the construction of a mega-basin highlight the urgent need for a calmer, more rational and more local debate on our water resources. »

It’s probably editorial. We will regret the infamous mega-basin became – momentarily but not inevitably – an essential element of media rhetoric. But that pretty much sums it up.

Extract :

« So, yes, we will have to consume less and differently, but that cannot be an answer in itself. It must be accompanied by a revival of investment in scientific and industrial devices which can prove to be of invaluable assistance. Far from a human catastrophism, this is the meaning of senatorial report co-written with several colleaguesfrom various political backgrounds.

All solutions must be considered, evaluated. And if tomorrow artificial snow replaced the melting of the ice to reduce the low water periods of the rivers? What if treated water was reused tomorrow, as is the case in Spain or Israel? And if tomorrow we return to what man has always done, that is to say retain water when it is abundant to use it when it is scarcer? »

Here is what Le Figaro paved:

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« France needs a real debate on water, more open and peaceful. And inevitably more local, supported by local elected officials and the territorial State, in order to integrate into the reality of living areas. »

One can only approve, and welcome this cooperation between a newspaper classified on the right and an elected representative on the left, even if it is a left that has chosen misalliance (for how long?).

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