2024-08-27 06:00:00
Our advice – In daily life, water is still the ideal nectar to quench thirst. Unlike half a glass of beer which enhances its flavor.
A glass of water or a glass of milk, which one is more hydrating? The correct answer is surprising: As long as it’s skim, milk ranks among the drinks that can restore an individual’s water balance. This is not a marketing claim from dairy manufacturers, but the conclusion of multiple scientific studies conducted on athletes and active people over the past decade: Milk is better than water, tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, orange juice, energy drinks. to restore proper hydration levels to the body.
The concept of balance is key to understanding these results: To stay well hydrated, you certainly have to take in fluids, but you also can’t lose too much through sweat and urine. However, retention levels are related to the amount of certain nutrients present in skim milk: mineral salts (called “electrolytes”)…
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#Water #milk #coffeewhats #drink #stay #hydrated