Watch the sky.. the moon is associated with the star Aldebaran at dawn in a phenomenon seen with the naked eye

It is monitored in the sky of Egypt and the Arab world, a few hours before sunrise, today, Sunday, July 24, 2022, the conjunction of the moon with the star Aldebaran, and they will decorate the eastern horizon in an opportunity to photograph.

And the Jeddah Astronomical Society revealed in a report that not far from the Moon and Aldebaran, the Pleiades star cluster (the Seven Sisters) can be found, which looks like a blurry smudge, and because of the illumination of cities that obliterate the dim natural lights in the sky, there is a need to use binoculars to see this cluster.

Everyone knows that the star “Polaris” or Capricorn is the star that represents the North Pole star at this time, but few know that Aldebaran is the brightest star in the Taurus group of stars. It was the North Pole star regarding 450,000 years ago, in addition to the star Aldebaran much brighter than the North Star. Present.

In addition, the star Aldebaran appears very close to the star “Al-Ayouq”, which appears to the far left in the dome of the sky. In the very distant past, these two stars were like the double North Pole star in the year 447890 BC, but the situation changed with the passage of time due to a cycle of 26000 years.

Here we wonder how it is possible that Aldebaran and Al-Ayuk were close to each other in the dome of heaven in the distant past? And the two are not close to each other now, aren’t the stars fixed relative to each other?

The answer is (yes) within the scope of human life, the stars are fixed, but the stars actually move in space in an orbit around the center of our galaxy.

So when we observe the moon near the star Aldebaran, we will go back in time to 450,000 years in the past when Aldebaran and the Oak were the North Pole Double Star.

It is worth noting that the moon and Aldebaran move to the west like the rest of the heavenly bodies during the night hours as a result of the Earth’s rotation on its axis, but the moon basically moves towards the east in front of the constellations in the zodiac circle, so the moon can be seen at dawn the next day (Monday) has moved away from the star Aldebaran down towards the eastern horizon.



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