Watch the cuteness, Chompoo Araya, buy a cake to celebrate Nong Abigail, 1 month old

Thairath Online

1 May 2022 14:28

After the female superstar fruit heroine Chompoo Araya A Hargate gave birth to a third child, naming her daughter Sister Abigail On March 30, 2022, in the midst of the joy of the family as well as friends, people around him, adults, including fans after seeing Abigail open his eyes to see the world

And on April 30, 2022, it was the first month that Abigail was born on Earth. At this event, Chompoo’s mother bought a blue cake decorated in the shape of white clouds. On the cake read “Abigail 1 Month” for a family celebration. They also post pictures of cute atmosphere. There are shots that Nong Phai His son, standing near the cake, wrote the caption, “Gale 1 month!!”

Among the comments from fans that all sent heart emojis to IG They also commented, for example, a beautiful person who looks like Phi Phayom. Cheeks are so cute to bite, you’re so excited, you’re going to steal your cake, your mother is beautiful, you’re so happy to eat cake again, etc.

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