Watch.. Rare photos documenting the lives of residents in the Eastern Desert, west of Abqaiq, in the sixties

Al-Marsad newspaper: Pictures circulating on social media documented life in the Eastern Desert, west of Abqaiq, in the 1960s.

The pictures showed a number of the ancient inhabitants practicing their daily activities among the burlap tents in the desert.

One of the pictures showed a number of children gathering around their mother while she was preparing food using a wood stove and aluminum utensils.

Another picture showed a boy herding goats and holding one of them in his hands, as well as a woman carrying a child, in addition to a girl carrying a water bladder, and they were combined in the simplicity of clothes and not wearing shoes, which indicates the difficult life they lived in the middle of the desert.

It is worth noting that Abqaiq is the administrative capital of Abqaiq Governorate in the Eastern Province, with an area of ​​320 km2.

The city of Abqaiq, before the presence of oil in it, was called “Baalat Aba al-Qa’dan” and following the discovery of oil there by Saudi Aramco, it was called Abqaiq.



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