Watch Out: You Could Be Behind the Wheel with a Hidden Fine!

2024-09-06 15:30:24

500 euro fine if you drive without insurance

Are you using an electric scooter for your travels? Be careful, if you do not respect certain rules, you risk a very very salty heavy fine. A large number of people do not know this, however, Since 2016, all vehicles considered as EDPM (motorized personal transport device) must be insured. Offenders are liable to a fixed fine of… , and up to 3,750 euros in the event of a repeat offence. Pis Again, if you cause an accident without insurance, you could, on the one hand, see your vehicle confiscated, but more importantly, lose your license, and potentially everything you have, in the event of significant physical and/or material damage from a pedestrian.

Twice as many accidents involving uninsured electric scooters in two years

For electric scooters and other motorized personal transportation devices (PMDs), the law recognizes the same responsibility as that of a conventional motorist. Therefore : liability insurance is mandatory.

This insurance covers damages that you could cause to third parties in the event of an accident. And as highlighted by a survey by theAdemerelayed by RMC-BFMTV, In almost half of the accidents (40%) a third is involved (pedestrians, cyclists, other vehicles).

Expect to pay between 5 and 10 euros per month for insurance

As you will have understood, driving without insurance is clearly not worth the effort. This just ensures that you will get a hefty fine if you get caught, and even lose everything you have in the event of an accident.

The good news is that insurance for EDPM machines is generally inexpensive: expect to pay between 5 and 10 euros per month for coverage – sometimes complete – depending on the company. So don’t hesitate to warn those around you and inform them of the risks they are taking if they ride without insurance with a machine such as an electric bicycle, electric scooter, gyroroue, gyropode, hoverboard, etc.

#driving #fine #euros

Electric⁢ Scooter Insurance: Avoid a 500⁣ Euro Fine and Protect Yourself from Financial Ruin

As the popularity of electric scooters continues to rise, ‍it’s ⁢essential to remember that these vehicles come with certain responsibilities. Since ‍2016, motorized⁣ personal transport⁤ devices (EDPMs) like electric scooters have been required to have insurance,⁣ just ‍like conventional motor vehicles. But many riders remain unaware of this crucial requirement, putting themselves at risk of hefty fines and⁢ financial loss.

The‌ Consequences of Driving Without ‍Insurance

If you’re caught riding an‌ uninsured⁣ electric scooter, you can expect to receive a fixed fine of 500 euros. And if you’re a repeat offender, the fine can soar to up to 3,750 euros. But that’s​ not all – if you ‍cause an⁣ accident without insurance, you could face even more severe consequences. Your vehicle could be confiscated, and you could lose your license. Moreover, if you’re found liable‌ for significant physical and/or material damage to a pedestrian, you could be forced to pay substantial ⁢compensation, potentially losing ⁣everything you own.

The Alarming Rise of Uninsured Electric Scooter Accidents

According to⁤ a ⁤recent survey by the Ademe, the number of accidents involving uninsured electric scooters has doubled in just ⁢two years. This‌ surge in accidents highlights the importance of having liability insurance, which covers damages ​to third parties in the event ⁢of an accident. In fact, almost ​half of⁢ all‍ electric scooter⁢ accidents involve⁢ a third party, such ‌as pedestrians, cyclists, or other vehicles.

The Importance of Liability Insurance

For electric scooters and other motorized personal transportation devices, the law recognizes‍ the same responsibility as‌ that of a conventional motorist. Therefore,⁢ liability ⁤insurance is ⁢mandatory. ​This⁢ insurance provides financial ⁣protection in the event of an accident, ensuring that you can compensate third parties for any damages or injuries caused.

The Cost of Insurance: ⁢A​ Small Price to Pay

The good news is that insurance for electric scooters is relatively affordable, with premiums ranging from 5 to 10 euros per ​month. Considering the potential consequences of driving without insurance, this​ is a small price ⁣to pay for peace of mind.

Don’t‍ Take ⁣the Risk – Get Insured Today

driving an electric scooter without ⁤insurance is a recipe for disaster. Not only can you face fines and penalties, but you also risk financial ruin in⁣ the event of an accident. By investing in ‌liability ⁣insurance,⁤ you can protect yourself⁣ and others on the road. Don’t⁣ wait​ until it’s too late – get ‌insured ​today ‌and enjoy the freedom of riding your ⁣electric‍ scooter ​with confidence.

Keyword Tags: electric ⁣scooter insurance, motorized personal transport ⁤device,‌ EDPM, liability insurance, uninsured electric‍ scooter‌ accidents, Ademe survey, electric scooter ​fines, financial protection, peace of mind.



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