“Watch out”… What would you do if you woke up one time and found saliva on your pillow, how would you behave!!!

There are many people who suffer from the problem of salivation while waking up from sleep, and this may be an indication of many dangerous things and diseases that affect human health.

It is necessary to treat this matter early before complications occur, as it is normal for the mouth to retain saliva in it, and if the opposite occurs, it may be due to exposure to infections of the sinuses and tonsils, and other reasons that we will present to you in today’s article.

What might cause drooling?

Drooling occurs due to several different things, which we will learn regarding as follows:

  • Sore throats, pregnancy, allergies, poisoning by inhaling a dangerous insecticide, GERD, stomach disorders, and epilepsy.
  • There are a number of neurological diseases that lead to drooling from the mouth, such as autism, Lewis sclerosis, Down syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

What are the manifestations of saliva from the mouth?

  • At first, the individual notices saliva coming out of his mouth while sleeping, and this saliva is on his pillow when he wakes up.
  • This problem can be treated through a number of procedures, beginning with sleeping on the back, until the problem of salivation that adults and children suffer from during sleep is eliminated.
  • Treatment can also be taken, but by the decision of the doctor until this problem is cured, such as ropinol, scopolamine, local nerve injections, atropine, until those symptoms are completely eliminated to enjoy good health.



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