Watch out, these changes in your body may predict cancer health | Essential information for better health | DW

There are more than 200 types of cancer, or as it is called a malignant disease, and the symptoms are often spread throughout the body or in certain parts of it. Cancer occurs when abnormal cells multiply out of control and spread to another location.

The cells can invade and destroy normal body tissues, and in a process called metastasis, cancer can spread throughout the body.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. According to the World Health Organization, the world crossed a new threshold in 2021, when an estimated 20 million people were diagnosed with cancer, and 10 million people died of it.

Cancer Research UK has outlined a list of cancer symptoms you should be aware of. Many medical studies have proven that in the event of early detection of the infection, this greatly increases the rates of recovery.

General symptoms include:

As for the most prominent symptoms that may indicate infection with the disease, which may be useful in early monitoring of the changes that occur in patients’ bodies, according to what was published by the British “Daily Record” website.

It was as follows:

Unexplained weight loss.

Unexplained tiredness or pain.

– Severe lily sweating.

Constant coughing.

Loss of appetite and persistent bloating.

An unusual lump or swelling anywhere in the body.

Changes in the skin.

A change in bowel movement, such as constipation, or blood in the stool.

Unusual vaginal bleeding.

Problems urinating and blood in the urine.

These symptoms can be caused by non-cancerous diseases, but they should be mentioned to your doctor.

Symptoms that may affect the breast

Unusual changes in the size, shape or texture of the breast, including changes in the nipple or skin.

We emphasize that the appearance of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that the disease has been infected, but may be useful in monitoring and detecting it early, and it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding any of these symptoms.


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