Watch out for those drinks from Lidl. Pieces of plastic were found in them. Check the latest GIS alerts 04/15/2023

Watch out for those drinks from Lidl. Pieces of plastic were found in them. See the latest GIS alerts. Here you will find information, e.g. regarding such harmful products as popcorn, meat with Salmonella bacteria, cake with metal, or dietary supplements. Chances are you have these products in your home! Remember not to eat them. Try to return them to the store to get your money back. In our article you will find information, among others: regarding expiry dates for consumption and lot numbers of products that threaten your health and life. We update the article on a regular basis, so it contains the latest warnings of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.

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The Chief Sanitary Inspector warns. The kitchen spatula contains harmful substances

Get rid of these products for your own good. ah. The latest data from the Chief Sanitary Inspector of April 15, 2023 says, among others: regarding everyday items, dietary supplements or food products. Check also other unhealthy products withdrawn from sale. Also read the inspection results and current GIS warnings.

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GIS regularly inspects the products sold by the stores and discovers various irregularities every now and then. Therefore, every now and then, it orders the withdrawal of products that are dangerous to health and life, which we might buy in our stores so far. In addition to unhealthy food, the Chief Sanitary Inspector also recommends getting rid of some dietary supplements and even everyday products.

The latest GIS warnings say m. regarding spoons in which primary aromatic amines, which are harmful to health, migrate into food. Many products also precipitate ethylene oxide, a substance prohibited for use in food in Europe. Ethylene oxide is classified as a Category 1B substance for carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxicity.

To protect your family, check current GIS warnings, read expiration dates and lot numbers, and get these harmful substances out of your home. You can find the list of withdrawn products from recent months in our gallery:

See the gallery(150 photos)
See the gallery(150 photos)

Chief Sanitary Inspector: Recommendations for consumers:

  • Products from affected lots must be discarded. You mustn’t eat them.
  • If you experience symptoms of food poisoning following eating harmful products, you should contact your doctor.

According to data published by the Department of Epidemiology of the National Institute of Hygiene, National Institute of Hygiene, in Poland, Salmonella spp. has been the most common cause of bacterial gastrointestinal infections for many years. Illnesses caused by them most often manifest themselves as gastroenteritis, characterized by diarrhoea, abdominal pain and vomiting. Infections are most commonly transmitted through the alimentary canal, following eating contaminated food. Eggs can be one of the sources of Salmonella spp. In order to avoid illness caused by these pathogenic bacteria, you should remember regarding a few rules.

Buying eggs

Make sure the egg shells are clean and undamaged.


Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator, in the original packaging, according to the best-before date on the packaging.

Preparation of dishes/dishes

  • Foods containing raw eggs, such as cheesecake, tiramisu, mayonnaise, hollandaise sauces, kogel-mogel, etc., should be avoided, especially by sensitive people (children, the sick, the elderly). They carry an increased risk of getting sick.
  • When cooking eggs, make sure that both the white and the yolk are firm. Best when scrambled, fried eggs are also cut.
  • Hands that come into contact with raw eggs should be thoroughly washed with hot soapy water.
  • Dishes, equipment and surfaces in contact with raw eggs should be thoroughly washed with hot water and detergents.
  • After breaking the eggs, the shells should be thrown directly into the garbage.
  • After preparation, eggs and other dishes should be placed on surfaces or dishes that have not been in contact with raw eggs.

Serving meals

Do not use the same plates or cutlery that have been in contact with raw eggs. Boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, fried or fried eggs should be served immediately following preparation.

It is happening in Poland and in the world – read on

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