Watch – Mona Farouk and Shaima and their porn movies to the fore again

Beirut – Aseel Al-Ahmar – The Egyptian police arrested the two Egyptian actresses Mona Farouk and Shaima Al-Hajj after the pornographic video that brought them together with director Khaled Youssef.

Read: Mona Farouk and Shema Al-Hajj were arrested on charges of sexual video

After their arrest, each of them appeared in a video, and expressed their grief and remorse for leaking the video, and at the same time confirmed that Khaled Youssef married her in a customary manner.

Read: Mona Farouk appears in the video, humiliated crying and asking for jackets

Read: Shima Al-Hajj lies, tells, contradicts and cries

Today, the pornographic films of Mona and Shaima returned to the fore again, after the Misdemeanors Court rejected the appeal submitted by Shima Al-Hajj and Mona Farouk, submitted by them in the scandalous videos case with Khaled Youssef. The court decided to renew their imprisonment for 45 days pending investigations.

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