Watch.. Hedy Karam provokes the feelings of men with a short fiery red

The beautiful actress did Heidi Karam By posting a new photo of her via the Astori private account on her official account on the social networking site for the exchange of photos and videos, Instagram.

and appeared Heidi Karam On an occasion, a friend of hers was accompanied by a dress of fiery red color exposed from the chest and legs area, especially since it is above the knee. As for the aesthetic aspect, she used a little make-up while leaving her hair on her back, which made her a distinctive and sexy look for the Ghanaian woman.

It is reported that she participated in the series “Lu’lu”, with Ahmed Zahir, Naglaa Badr, Nermin El-Feki, Muhammad Al-Sharnoubi, Edward, Hedy Karam, Salwa Othman, Imad Ziada, Hamdi Heikal and others, and it was written by Zainab Aziz and directed by Mohamed Abdel Salam. Synergy production.



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