Watch .. Al-Shehri reveals a useful vegetable ingredient for controlling diabetes, digestive system and cholesterol

Al-Marsad newspaper: The family doctor, Dr. Saud Al-Shehri revealed the benefits of gum arabic, stressing that it is food and food for beneficial bacteria, so it enhances their presence because they feed on it.

And regarding its most prominent benefits, he said in a video clip he posted on his Twitter account that gum arabic contains fiber and is a wonderful supporter of the digestive system, especially for those who suffer from colon.

He added, “It is very excellent for lowering cholesterol and controlling diabetes, as the fibers hold sugar.”

He continued: It was also found that using it for a period of 12 weeks decreased blood pressure by 5.6 and leads to a reduction in fat, and it is a mouth freshener, and they found that it resists tartar.



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