Washington Post: “The rule of law in Mexico is in danger”

MEXICO CITY.— Yesterday, Sunday, the American newspaper The Washington Post published an article of his Editorial Board Titled: “The rule of law in Mexico is in danger. The United States is right to intervene“, and the newspaper adds that the attempts of the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorof Subduing the Judiciary threatens the American economyas well as the Mexico’s democracy.

In its publication, the Post recalled that last Thursday, the United States Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazarissued a statement lamenting Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s plan to subjugate the Mexican judiciary by imposing a legislative reform before his term ends on September 30. Salazar said the plan represented “a significant risk for the functioning of democracy in Mexico.”

Salazar’s “unfortunate and reckless statement”

The editorial document goes on to point out AMLO’s reaction when considering the ““unfortunate and reckless statement” by Salazarwhich amounted to “a lack of respect for our sovereignty.” He added that the Mexican Foreign Ministry sent a letter rebuking the United States for interfering in issues “that are strictly internal affairs of the Mexican State.”

However, the Washington Post believes that this is not the case. It highlights that “At stake is the judicial independence and the Rule of law in a country that has known very little of either during its long history. López Obrador’s plan could also stop the economic integration of North America. Through their shared border and their partnership in the Trade agreement “U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Mexico and the United States have mutual interests on issues spanning trade, migration, organized crime, and national security.”

He adds that, “They justify Salazar’s concern that López Obrador’s “reform” lacks “safeguards that ensure that the judiciary is strengthened and not be subject to the corruption of politics“and” will threaten the historical business relationship that we have built, which depends on the investor confidence within the legal framework of Mexico.”

Canada’s intervention

The Post also says that “The United States had every right to intervene.just like Canadathrough its ambassador, Graeme Clarkwho pointed out that the Canadian investors are “concerned”. (Lopez Obrador, unsurprisingly, said Mexico would also send a letter of protest to the Canadians.)

Lopez Obrador’s plan

It also describes President López Obrador’s plan for his reform of the Judiciary.

“López Obrador’s plan includes a terrifying expansion of the list of crimes by which the government can impose mandatory pretrial detentionThe Inter-American Court of Human Rights has previously argued that the practice violates human rights and demanded that Mexico end this practice, which already accounts for about half of those incarcerated in Mexico. The plan also would dismantle several independent bodies established after the advent of multiparty democracy in 2000 to limit the power of the presidency.”

Dismiss judges and magistrates

In its editorial, the Washington Post notes that, “The chapter that most worries Salazar and Clark would be remove all current members of the federal judiciary from Mexico, including all Supreme Court Justicesand then replace them through mass elections in 2025 and 2027. Most likely, López Obrador’s government’s Morena party would win the majority of the seats.”

Claudia Sheinbaum supports AMLO’s plan

He recalled that, in the next Legislature, AMLO’s party and its allies achieved a overwhelming majority in Congress and also that Claudia Sehinbaum Pardo, the president-elect of Mexico, until now supports AMLO’s plan.

AMLO and Sheinbaum argue that their objective is root out corruption in the judiciaryHowever, the Post claims that this is a smokescreen“Mexico’s judiciary has often dared to resist the most capricious policies of López Obrador and his party,” and with the reform it aims to “defeat him once and for all.”

Indefinite strike in the judiciary

He also mentions the indefinite strike carried out by judges, magistrates and employees of the Federal Judicial Branch in the country. “Judges outside Mexico are also horrified. The Latin American Federation of Magistrates requested an audience with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to discuss “the critical state of judicial independence in the region.” López Obrador’s reform, the request argued, “aims to submit to the judgesviolating the independence of the Judiciary.”

The article also adds that, Human Rights Watch has proposed that López Obrador and Sheinbaum “should abandon their crusade against judges and commit to improving the weakest link in Mexico’s justice system: the prosecutors’ offices.” Margaret Satterthwaitethe UN special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, said that politicizing the Mexican judiciary increases the risk of corruption“.

The Post says Claduia Sheinbaum still strongly supports her boss and has commented on the election of some judges in US states. “However, that does not offer much support to López Obrador’s cause. Voting for federal judges is extremely rare around the world, precisely because undermines judicial independence“.

“Sheinbaum’s reluctance to disagree with López Obrador is perhaps understandable, given her control over the political apparatus on which his next presidency will depend,” says the article and adds that if López Obrador manages to subdue the Judicial Branch it could cause the first months or years of Claudia Sheinbaum’s mandate “to be overshadowed by a fight for judicial independence“And that will also be threatened” declared economic strategywhich depends on integration with the North American economy.”

The Washington Post concludes its editorial by noting that, “In that sense, Mr. Salazar and Mr. Clark helped their cause. But he should find a way to disagree with this plan.” with his own voiceIt would be a shame if judicial independence in Mexico died because Sheinbaum lacks political independence from López Obrador“.

You may also like: “Lopez Obrador reacts to international criticism of the reform of the Judicial Branch”

#Washington #Post #rule #law #Mexico #danger
2024-09-02 07:09:23



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