Was Sascha’s parents’ car the victim of “mouse jacking” in Liège? The thief with dubious methods was filmed by video surveillance

Sasha is sure of it. His parents’ car was the victim of “mouse jacking”. A method that mimics the signal from the keys to open the vehicle. This resident of the Liège region contacted us via the orange button “Alert us” with supporting video. “VSI would like to inform you that a person with an electronic device opens the cars passing by and then steals inside”he wrote.

A not very skilled thief

According to the young man, several vehicles in the ‘Bois de Mont’ district (Jemeppe-Sur-Meuse) in Seraing have been searched recently. On the images of a surveillance camera, we see an individual strolling along the roadway. The man takes care to walk on the left side of the cars, ie the driver. It is 3:12. Three minutes later, the man reappears. He heads straight for Sascha’s parents’ car. He opens the driver’s side door, leans toward the glove box. But the movement of his body will come to provoke the horn. The noise surprises the thug who runs away.

No complaints from parents

The next day, Sascha grabs the images and posts them on social media. The goal, to call for vigilance. The social media post prompted a backlash from many neighbors who say they’ve also had their cars visited lately. “Several people from the neighborhood, between 15 and 20 people, reported“, explains our alerter.

No theft was committed that day. Sascha’s parents did not file a complaint. The car door leaves no trace of the break-in, which leads Sascha to think that it could be ‘mouse jacking’.

Thieves vs Builders

Automakers have always strived to make their vehicles as safe as possible. But, the more the cars are protected, the more the thieves show ingenuity. Cars without an ignition key – which start by pushing a button like Jérémy’s – are not spared. These cars are subject to “mouse jacking” also called “keyless theft” or “key less.”

How do thieves operate? Contactless keys continuously send a signal. The latter can be intercepted using a specific device. It is then transmitted to an accomplice equipped with a box near the vehicle. The data is transmitted to the car which believes that it has the original key data. And now, voila. The car can be started without any break-ins. We recently told you about it on RTL info.

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No wave observed

Problem, in the case of Sascha, at no time does the thief seem to be interested in starting the vehicle and stealing it. Moreover, the method of ‘Mouse Jacking’ often requires at least two thieves. One to pick up the signal, the other to start the car. It is very likely that the individual walks along the driver’s side cars just to check if a door has not been left open inadvertently. Contacted by us, the Seraing-Neupré police zone says it has read the video posted on social networks. However, she tempers:We do not have a wave of thefts linked to a “Key Less” modus operandi. Moreover, there is no rising figure. Reports of this type of theft follow their usual tram”, they say, sweeping away the hypothesis of a wave of “mouse jacking” theft.

The police zone nevertheless specifies that it will pay particular attention in the sector in the days to come.

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