Warning: Some bosses are more dangerous to your health than you think

New research shows that negative bosses can be more than just a nuisance at work, they can also affect our physical health.

According to the British newspaper “The Sun”, Professor Simon L Dolan says: “Stress can be at the root of all kinds of common diseases, including heart attacks, diabetes, asthma, cancer, anxiety, depression, insomnia, memory loss and even premature aging.”

Alarmingly, three-fifths of the world’s employees say their job affects their mental health more than anything else.

In his book De-Stressing at Work – Understanding and Managing Chronic Stress, Dolan says the influence of a bad leader can be “devastating”.

In his book, Dolan highlighted the characteristics that make a leader harmful or toxic to his team:

He is jealous of his team’s success

Constantly concerned about competition or “enemies” in the workplace

He often takes credit for himself

He constantly compares himself to others.

Specific factors can make a person a bad boss, including inherited characteristics, early life experiences, and acquired cognitive tendencies.

How can bosses become less negative?

“A leader needs to be able to proactively manage their emotions well enough to project calm and rationality to their team,” Dolan said.

He also urged chiefs not to confuse confidence with overconfidence.

“A great leader needs to be respectful and supportive, not just a self-assured person,” he added.

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