Warning! How can hepatitis B virus (HBV) be transmitted? Disease before becoming ‘liver cancer’

Warning! Hepatitis B virus or HBV disease What is? How can I contact you? How to prevent it? Be aware of the disease before it becomes ‘Liver Cancer’

Today it is called health. It is the first and foremost important thing in life today. From the latest report, Dr. Kiatphum said that Thailand has infected people. Hepatitis B is chronic, up to 2.2 million people, most of them develop hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. In order to educate regarding Hepatitis B virus or HBV Today, The Thaiger will take everyone to know this kind of disease. What is it? Which way to contact? Is it cured? Today, let’s solve our complaints.

disease awareness Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Which way to contact ? What is forbidden to eat? with treatment

| What is hepatitis B virus (HBV)?

Hepatitis B English Hepatitis B (HBV) is inflammation of the liver cells caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus is a virus that makes infected people more likely to develop chronic liver disease which, if left unattended, will cause the liver cells to die, causing fibrosis, leading to cirrhosis and may eventually turn into liver cancer

| Hepatitis B How can I contact you? How ? |

in the old days Hepatitis can be passed from mother to fetus. (If the mother is infected Babies have a 90% chance of getting the virus, but at present there is vaccination once morest this disease in newborns. resulting in a reduction in the birth rate in children by almost 100%

In addition, hepatitis B also from the selective touch or wound secretions Unprotected sex/no condoms including sharing everyday objects such as toothbrushes, syringes, razors, nail clippers

| Symptoms of an infected person Hepatitis B

for symptoms of infection In some cases, you may need to undergo an examination in order to know the results. But the initial symptoms of the infection Can be observed initially can be divided into 2 phases as follows:

  1. acute phase
    • fever, jaundice, yellow eyes Abdominal pain under right ribcage
    • Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, rash, and joint pain.
    • Some patients may have severe symptoms. caused by the destruction of liver cells It can cause liver failure.
    • Acute hepatitis symptoms will improve in 1-4 weeks and will heal once the body has cleared the hepatitis virus.
  2. chronic stage Patients can be divided into two groups:
    • carrier is a patient with hepatitis B virus in the body Patients have no symptoms but can infect others.
    • chronic hepatitis is a patient with hepatitis B virus in the body and a blood test found abnormal liver function

Warning!  How can hepatitis B virus (HBV) be transmitted?  The disease before becoming 'liver cancer' | News by Thaiger

| If hepatitis B virus How is it treated? Is it cured?

| Hepatitis B virus test How to prepare? |

in the medical We can detect that we are infected with hepatitis B virus HBV in three main ways:

  • Blood test to check liver function (liver function test)
  • Biopsy of the liver for examination
  • blood test for infection
    • HBsAg (Hepatitis B virus antigen) : A positive result means the patient is having hepatitis B.
    • Anti-HBS (Immune to HBsAg) : A positive result means that the patient is immune to hepatitis B.

| Is hepatitis B virus cured? How to treat |

Patients with hepatitis B who should be treated include patients with the following characteristics:

  • HBsAg gives a positive result. for a period of not less than 6 months
  • have evidence that indicates that the virus is being heavily segmented are:
    • HBeAg positive, viral load greater than or equal to 20,000 IU/ml.
    • HBeAg negative, viral load greater than or equal to 2000 IU/ml.
  • ALT level Greater than or equal to 1.5 times the normal range at least on two occasions not less than 3 months apart (unless the patient has evidence of cirrhosis or liver failure. Consider treatment even with normal ALT, no need to wait more than 3 months apart.)
  • There must be no other disease that is the main cause of hepatitis.

Warning!  How can hepatitis B virus (HBV) be transmitted?  The disease before becoming 'liver cancer' | News by Thaiger

| How to prevent hepatitis B virus (HBV)

The best defense Should start from the cause by vaccination, prevention by the people who should be vaccinated the most is newborns, for older children and adults are immune to infection. If vaccination is required, a blood test should be obtained.

For those in families who are carriers, blood tests should be done to determine the presence of infection before vaccination. Vaccination requires a complete set of 3 injections.

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