warn of low pressure and water cuts

2024-01-23 15:03:19

After the alert issued by the National Meteorological Service (SMN) due to the extreme temperatures for the area of ​​the Upper Valley. The drinking water distribution company in Roca warned regarding the possibility of problems in the service.

Aguas Rionegrinas informed the neighbors through a statement that The service might present low pressure and water cuts due to the rise in temperature.ra and also because of the power outage that occurred on Sunday. They added that this situation would mainly affect all the neighborhoods located in the northern part of the city, northwest of the main irrigation canal.

“The sudden heat has increased water consumption, causing shortages, especially in high areas where pressure is affected by increased use in low-lying areas,” they explained. For their part, they indicated that The power outage on Sunday had a strong impact on the water system, so it then took more work for the cistern to recover its normal operation.

For this reason They request rational use of water and that this be for essential tasks such as hygiene and personal consumption. “During the heat wave, avoid excessive use, close the taps tightly following using them and avoid watering streets or filling swimming pools daily,” they noted.

Heat wave: some recommendations

High temperatures put people’s health at risk, especially those over 60 years of age and babies and children. Periods of high temperatures can cause heat strokecharacterized by severe headache, loss of consciousness, extreme increase in body temperature, dizziness and dry skin, warns the SMN.

Therefore, it is very important to follow the following recommendations: increase fluid consumption to maintain adequate hydration; do not expose yourself to the sun excessively or in the middle of the day; avoid alcoholic or very sugary drinks; Avoid very abundant meals and instead eat vegetables and fruits.

It is also recommended wear light, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing and stay in ventilated or conditioned spaces.

Meanwhile, when faced with intense thirst and dry mouth, temperature greater than 39º C, excessive sweating, feeling of suffocating heat, dry skin, exhaustion, dizziness or fainting, stomach pains, lack of appetite, nausea or vomiting, headaches , among others, you must act as follows: immediately request medical assistance; move the affected person to the shade, to a cool and quiet place; try to cool her down, wet her clothes and give her fresh water to drink.

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