Warmest June: Breaks 2023 record – 2024-07-08 22:59:21

Due to the greenhouse gases emitted by mankind, global temperature records have continued to be broken for over a year now: June 2024 was the warmest on record, breaking the record set by the corresponding month in 2023.

With heat wave, from Mexico as of China passing through Saudi ArabiaJune 2024 was the thirteenth consecutive month during which record average temperatures were recorded, according to data released today by the European Copernicus observatory.

With this record streak, fueled by unprecedented warming of the oceans, which absorb 90% of excess heat due to human activity, “the average global temperature over the last 12 months (July 2023 – June 2024) is the highest on record has ever been recorded,” the Copernicus observatory’s Climate Change Service (C3S) said.

During this period, the average temperature was “1.64°C higher than the pre-industrial average”, from 1850 to 1900, when deforestation, the burning of coal, gas and oil had not yet led to the global warming.

June 2024 is also “the 12th consecutive month that the pre-industrial average has been exceeded by 1.5°C,” said Carlo Buodembo, director of C3S.

The 1.5°C limit is the most ambitious goal of the Paris climate agreement (2015), which was signed by almost all countries. However, this anomaly should be recorded for several decades before it can be considered that the climate has stabilized at this level.

Although the temperature has already risen by regarding 1.2°C compared to the period 1850-1900, the GIEC — the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — predicts a 50-50 chance of exceeding that limit in the 2030- 2035 at the current rate of emissions, which are expected to peak in 2025.

In June, while the thermometer was close to or below the normal level for the season (of the period 1991-2020), in France and in West Europe most people experienced higher, in some cases extremely higher, temperatures.

Besides, in Saudi Arabia more than 1,300 people died during the great pilgrimage to Mecca, as temperatures reached as high as 51.8°C at the Grand Mosque in Islam’s holiest city.

In Hellas, the Acropolis had to be closed in mid-June, as the temperature exceeded 44° Celsius. In China, the north, including Beijing, endured temperatures above 40°C, while the south was swept by floods.

Catastrophic floods

THE Kenya, Afghanistan and France were also hit by catastrophic floodsanother phenomenon that is intensifying at the international level due to global warming, as the maximum humidity in the atmosphere increases and, consequently, the potential intensity of precipitation.

At USA and to Mexicodeadly heat waves in late May and early June became 35 times more likely because of climate change, the scientific reporting network World Weather Attribution (WWA) estimated.


On the front of the fires, June in Amazoniaenduring a historic drought, ended its worst six months in 20 years in terms of the number of outbreaks, while a “state of emergency” was declared in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Another consequence of the heatwaves: the populations of the Balkans, Pakistan and Egypt suffered widespread power outages, synonymous with the fact that essential devices stopped working: ventilation systems, fans, air conditioners, refrigerators…

As the cyclical La Niña climate phenomenon, synonymous with lower global temperatures, is expected to occur by the end of the year, “we can expect the global temperature to decrease in the coming months,” C3S scientist Julien Nicolas told AFP.

The global temperature at the end of 2024 will largely depend on the evolution of the level of heat in the oceans, which cover 70% of the planet’s surface and whose surface water temperature has been clearly above all time for more than a year .

The very unusual heat on the surface of the North Atlantic thus strengthened the power of Beryl, a powerful cyclone that has caused destruction in the Antilles since July. It left behind at least seven dead in the Caribbean and Venezuela and is now threatening the US state of Texas.

“If record temperatures persist despite a La Niña event, 2024 might be warmer than 2023,” the warmest year on record, “but it’s too early to tell,” said Julien. Nicholas.

Source: RES-MPE

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#Warmest #June #Breaks #record



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