War of images in social media: Who posts the best holiday photos on WhatsApp?

When the Internet is flooded with superfluous things

War of the pictures: The battle for the best holiday photos


A battle of images is raging on social media. Who posted the best pictures from their vacation? Hundreds of (mostly) unnecessary photos are being sent around the globe by friends. Where will this end, asks Oliver Gatz in his column.

Celle. Summertime is vacation time. If you’re well connected, you shouldn’t be surprised if you’re bombarded daily in your chat groups with photos of sunsets, cocktails under palm trees or dreamy beaches. We also shared some photos from our Mediterranean vacation this year in our family WhatsApp group. They were quite picturesque images, because we actually visited some very beautiful places. Mind you: a few photos. Maybe a dozen, spread over several days. We didn’t use any videos at all.

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Mediterranean vacation becomes a battle of images on WhatsApp

Now the relatives are striking back mercilessly: Every day we receive dozens of photos and videos from places where we have also been. According to the motto: Here you have Venice! Us on St. Mark’s Square, us in front of the bell tower, us in the gondola and us on the Bridge of Sighs! Everything is even more amazing, everything is even better, everything is even more impressive!

From the evening buffet to the cheese platter to the ice cream dream

A social media war has broken out, and it’s even using weapons we’ve avoided until now: food photos! Take this: our delicious evening buffet, our tasty wraps, our delicious cheese platter and our ice cream dream!

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Is it still possible to improve based on food photos?

Where will this end? What does the atom bomb that might be used in this social media battle look like? The enemy seems to stop at nothing. I’m preparing for the worst.




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