War lights? North Korea fired ballistic missile into the Sea of ​​Japan; United States and South Korea on alert


The one this Saturday –February 18– is the second ballistic missile launched from North Korea, so far in 2023.


One day following the pronouncement, this Saturday it was confirmed that North Korea had launched a missile into the Sea of ​​Japan and raised the alerts once more. The Joint Chiefs of the South Korean Army said the projectile was sent from the Sunan area of ​​Pyongyang, the news agency reported. Yonhap.

Japan also confirmed the launch “of the ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) type”, and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida indicated that it may have fallen into the exclusive economic zone of that country. According to the spokesman for the Japanese Executive, Hirokazu Matsuno, Pyongyang “thrown an ICBM-type ballistic missile in an easterly direction. It flew for approximately 66 minutes.”

“While strengthening its monitoring and surveillance capabilities, our Army maintains a fully prepared posture in close cooperation with the United States,” the South Korean Armed Forces said. The authorities once once more added their neighboring country as an “enemy” in their Defense White Paper, an action that had not been taken for six years.

The threat of Kim Jong Un

The previous day, a spokesman for the North Korean Foreign Ministry asserted that “in the event that the United States and South Korea put into practice what they have already announced and what North Korea rightly considers as preparations for a possible aggression military, they will face a series of forceful countermeasures.”

Earlier this month, the area’s leader oversaw a military parade displaying a “record” number of ICBMs, state media reported. This was organized on the occasion of the 75th anniversary since the armed forces were founded in the country and included military bands, fireworks, and uniformed soldiers marching in unison, the official news agency reported. KCNA.

The parade showcased “the transformative development of the country’s defensive capacity and the largest nuclear attack capacity,” he stressed. KCNA.

For the government of Kim Jong-Un, the military maneuvers carried out between Seoul and Washington are nothing more than “preparations for a war of aggression”, according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement broadcast by the state media. The exercises, which had slowed down during the pandemic, have been stepped up under Yoon Suk Yeol.

Objective of the next military exercises

Meanwhile, those scheduled for next week will focus on “joint planning, joint direction and response with Washington’s nuclear assets” if Pyongyang carries out a nuclear attack, he explained to AFP a South Korean Defense Ministry official.

The two nations have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 conflict ended, which resulted in an armistice rather than a peace treaty. Since the failed diplomatic process of 2019, the attempts to negotiate between the two territories have been at a standstill.

*With information from AFP and Europa Press.

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