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USA: federal council on AI created, among the 22 members OpenAi, Google and Microsoft

The United States they created a federal council, theArtificial Intelligence Safety and Security Boardwhich will advise the US government on the safe use of theartificial intelligence. The president of the United States, Joe BidenIn fact, he instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alexander Nicholas Majorkas, to establish the council that will include 22 representatives from diverse sectors, including software and hardware companies, critical infrastructure operators, public officials, the civil rights community and academia. Members include, among others, the CEO of OpenAi, Sam Altmanthe president and CEO of Nvidia, Jensen Huangthe CEO of IBM, Arvind Krishnathe CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadellathe CEO of Alphabet, Sundar Pichaithe CEO of Delta Air Lines, Ed Bastianand the CEO of Amazon Web Services, Adam Selipsky.

“Artificial Intelligence – underlines Mayorkas in a note – is a transformative technology that can advance our national interests in unprecedented ways. At the same time, it presents real risks, risks that we can mitigate by adopting best practices and taking other thoughtful, concrete actions. I am grateful that such accomplished leaders are dedicating their time and expertise to the Council to help ensure that our nation’s critical infrastructure, the vital services Americans rely on every day, effectively protect themselves from risk and realize the enormous potential of this transformative technology.”

The Council will meet for the first time atbeginning of May and meetings will take place on a quarterly basis. The Council will provide the Secretary with actionable recommendations to ensure the safe adoption of AI technology in the essential services Americans depend on every day, and AI leaders will share information on the security risks presented by the Department of Homeland Security. Artificial intelligence.

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#War #latest #news #Russia #Ariston #case #Urso #hears #Merloni #Government #ready #protect #company
2024-04-27 13:03:10

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