“War is always a defeat,” Pope Francis tells young people in Indonesia

“War is always a defeat,” Pope Francis tells young people in Indonesia
  • “War is always a defeat,” Pope Francis tells young people in Indonesia
  • Pope Francis' tour of Asia and OceaniaPope Francis' tour of Asia and Oceania
  • Pope Francis' tour of Asia and OceaniaPope Francis' tour of Asia and Oceania
  • Pope Francis' tour of Asia and OceaniaPope Francis' tour of Asia and Oceania
  • Pope Francis' tour of Asia and OceaniaPope Francis' tour of Asia and Oceania
  • Pope Francis' tour of Asia and OceaniaPope Francis' tour of Asia and Oceania

JAKARTA, Indonesia.- This Wednesday, the Pope Francis participated in Jakarta in a meeting with the catholic movement Current Scholas, in which the pontiff recommended to the young people present that they “discuss” among themselves because it is something “that makes you grow,” but to avoid war.

After the visit to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption for the meeting with the Indonesian clergyPope Francis attended the meeting with Schools to know the “Hati polyhedron project”a “sculpture that symbolizes the heart of Indonesia, reflecting the country’s rich cultural diversity,” the organization explained.

The artwork, which depicts Indonesia’s national motto, “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity), involved a total of 1,500 participants.

During all these events, thousands of people – both Catholics and Muslims – gathered to see Pope Francis, who greeted many of them as he walked towards his car in a wheelchair.

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The Holy Father also responded to testimonies and questions from young people, stressing that “if everything were the same, it would be boring” and that “with differences, one can wage war and one can engage in dialogue. But one must always choose a path: what do I do, wage war or engage in dialogue?”

“The desire to have everything, this is what creates war, and the lack of will to walk together,” he added.

“What should we choose? Do we shoot at each other or is it better to have politics on the sidelines, to move forward, discussing but together?” he asked those present.

“It is not bad, for example, to argue, even to exchange ideas, but to argue like friends. War is always a defeaton the other hand, arguing among friends is a good thing. It makes us grow,” he added.

This Thursday, on his last day in Indonesia and before heading to Papua New Guineathe Bishop of Rome will participate in the interfaith meeting in the Mezquita Istiklalthe largest in all of Southeast Asia, connected to the cathedral by the “tunnel of friendship”.

Then he will go to the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference for a meeting with those helped by various charitable organisations. In the afternoon, Peter’s successor will travel to the Jakarta stadium, where at 5:00 p.m. local time (10:00 GMT) he will preside over a mass for some 60,000 faithful.

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#War #defeat #Pope #Francis #tells #young #people #Indonesia
2024-09-22 06:13:18



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