War in Ukraine: French prefects called for vigilance over “high risk of cyberattack”

They have to deal with any eventuality, especially on the Internet. French prefects are called upon to be “vigilant” in the face of a “high” risk of cyberattack, and should not move away from their place of assignment in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a note consulted on Saturday. by AFP.

In this note dated Thursday and written by the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, prefects are asked to do what is necessary to “be able to return to (their) assigned department within the maximum period of one half day “.

They are also asked to ensure “the availability of all the services mobilized and mobilisable”, taking care however not to “cause disproportionate reactions”. “The risk of cyberattack is high”, is it further written in the note.

“Reinforced vigilance” at the ministry

At this stage “no specific effect linked to current events has been observed on our networks and our information systems”, continues the Secretary General, but “great vigilance is nevertheless required on the part of everyone”.

He asks the prefects to remind the agents to ensure compliance with “essential computer hygiene rules” and indicates that the cyber defense center of the Ministry of the Interior is going into “enhanced vigilance”.

President Emmanuel Macron convened a Defense Council on Saturday at 5 p.m., as the Russian and Ukrainian armies clash in Kiev. On Sunday, an extraordinary session of the Council of Interior Ministers of the 27 countries of the European Union will be held at 3 p.m. in Brussels.

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