War in Ukraine – Fear of a nuclear conflict seizes the Swiss Parliament


The Ukrainian crisis poses multiple and new questions to the National Council on Monday: radioactivity, the protection of civilians or the creation of a Ukraine task force.

The nuclear threat (here the disused Chernobyl power plant) worries parliamentarians.


Last week, Vladimir Putin’s reminder of the nuclear threat and the Russian army’s firing near the Zaporozye reactors increased the pressure in Parliament. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine opened a new site under the Dome. An urgent debate is scheduled for the third week on the subject, but on Monday, at question time, parliamentarians want answers.

What measures to protect the Swiss population?

“Russian troops have taken control of the former Chernobyl nuclear power plant, observes Martina Munz (PS/SH). The damaged reactor can no longer be considered safe”. The National Councilor therefore asks Ignazio Cassis: “What strategic considerations might push Russia to deliberately destroy the sarcophagus and the nuclear deposit?” In general, she asks what measures are taken by the Swiss authorities “to protect the population in the event of an increase in the measured radioactivity values?”

Who of mutual destruction?

The leader of the UDC group, Thomas Aeschi (UDC / ZG), has more pointed questions in the event of an escalation of the conflict: “Does the Federal Council think that in the event of a first nuclear strike by a power, the response would be devastating and that Nash’s equilibrium theory remains valid? Does the doctrine of mutual assured destruction apply to actors who act irrationally or does it lose its relevance in such cases?” Incidentally, what would be the fate of Switzerland in such a situation?

Finally ratify the treaty

For Claudia Friedl (PS/SG), this would be an opportunity for Switzerland to finally ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The Federal Chambers have asked the Federal Council several times to sign this treaty and submit it to Parliament for ratification, but it has not done so. “Wouldn’t this be the right time? she wonders. What does he think of Russia’s threat to use nuclear weapons?

Protection of civilians

Laurent Wehrli (PLR/VD) notes that unfortunately “civilians are the first victims of armed conflicts, as in Ukraine”, in particular through the use of explosive weapons in populated areas: “Has the Federal Council intention during the next round of negotiations to support the recommendation of the UN Secretary General and the President of the ICRC that States must avoid the use of explosive weapons with a wide area of ​​impact in populated areas?

A Ukraine task force?

Sibel Arslan (Vert.es/BS) observes that the situation in Ukraine continues to worsen, and the number of refugees is increasing. Switzerland has already acted and reacted on many levels: “Does the Federal Council have a plan or an overall strategy to manage the consequences of this senseless war, she wonders, in particular to what regarding refugees, local assistance and economic repercussions? Is there a task force dedicated to this file?

How many Russian billions are gone?

Samira Marti (PS/BL) recalls that the Federal Council took several days before adopting all of the sanctions imposed by the EU to freeze the assets that Russian citizens hold in Switzerland: “During these five days, ask- How many billions of francs have been transferred by Russian oligarchs to other states or placed in other forms? How many billions of francs is the damage that the Federal Council has caused by delaying the adoption of the sanctions taken in response to the invasion ordered by President Putin?

Reintroduction of pocket ammunition

For Jean-Luc Addor (UDC / VS), the consequences of this war might encourage the Swiss army to reintroduce pocket ammunition: “A soldier in uniform with a weapon is a potential target, he notes. But how can he defend himself, if necessary, without ammunition, especially during the mobilization process? As part of the reflections that the war in Ukraine will force us to make, is the Federal Council ready to re-examine the advisability of reintroducing pocket ammunition?

What gas for next winter?

Gabriela Suter (PS / AG) returns to the fact that gas covers around 15% of Switzerland’s energy needs and that almost half of this gas comes from Russia: “What are, in the short and medium term, do you ask what options are there other than buying Russian gas and what measures is the Federal Council taking to ensure an affordable gas supply also for the winter of 2022-2023?”

What regarding the Wagner militia?

Nicolas Walder (Vert.es/GE) is concerned regarding the presence of the paramilitary group Wagner in Ukraine, which constitutes a threat to fundamental rights: “Does the Federal Council intend to adopt sanctions once morest the Wagner group and its financier, the oligarch Eugueni Prigojine?”

How many rich Russians under sanctions?

Hans-Peter Portmann (PLR/ZH) notes that SECO and FINMA have asked Swiss banks to indicate the sanctioned Russian citizens with whom they have business relations. “The financial center had already made its own arrangements, he says, and categorically rejects the accusations of circumventing the sanctions”. He adds that it can “rather be assumed that the major part of the funds belonging to the sanctioned Russian citizens are located abroad”. However, he wants to know “how many Russian citizens affected by the sanctions have been reported and whose accounts are not yet blocked?”



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