Want Ukraine to wait? It took four months for the German Defense Minister to call for arms dealers to help Ukraine. International | New Head Shell Newtalk

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht Photo: Atlantic Council Twitter

It has been 46 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. Rheinmetall, a German manufacturer of military weapons, had internal rumors yesterday (10th) that Rheinmetall expected to support Ukraine’s military weapons by the end of this year, but was questioned by European media, “the speed of support. Is it a little slow?”

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht also said on the 10th that in order to maintain Germany’s defense equipment capabilities, military aid to Ukraine will be carried out directly by arms dealers.

On the same day, German media reported that the German military manufacturer Rheinmetall (Rheinmetall) internal documents pointed out that the company plans to assist 35 Marten infantry fighting vehicles by the end of this year, of which 15 can be delivered in four months. The Marten infantry fighting vehicle is an infantry fighting vehicle developed by West Germany during the Cold War. It can be equipped with a Rh50 35mm or 50mm cannon and five Milan anti-tank missiles. It is currently being replaced by the Cougar infantry fighting vehicle.

But Hans von der Burchard, a reporter for Politico Europe, questioned the matter, noting whether it was too late for Ukraine.

German military manufacturer

Russia invades Ukraine

Want Ukraine to wait?The German Defense Minister just called for arms dealers to help Ukraine, but it took four months to deliver the goods.

Journalist Hans von der Burchard tweeted, asking if aid is too slow for Ukraine?Photo: Retrieved from Twitter

Journalist Hans von der Burchard tweeted, asking if aid is too slow for Ukraine?Photo: Retrieved from Twitter

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