Want to know the average prices of houses and apartments in your town? A new “official” online tool has emerged

As you know, when real estate is sold, a notary is involved in the transaction. The Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries (Fednot) is therefore the best placed to give the evolutions of the selling prices of houses and apartments in our country. Prices that explode a little more each year in certain regions, which has a concrete impact on the movements of certain social strata of the population. It is therefore important information to understand our society.

Prices are changing, as is the communication of figures from notaries to the general public: an interactive tool has been put online.

Until now, the federation of notaries presented quarterly developments in real estate transactions and prices when publishing its Real Estate Barometer“, can we read in a press release. Evolving with the times, the federation “wanted to allow everyone to consult this data whenever they want in a digital version through interactive maps and accessible graphic diagrams“, explains Jan Sap, Managing Director of Fednot.

By going to the online barometer page, anyone interested (citizen, political decision-makers, buyers, sellers, etc.) can quickly get an idea of ​​the evolution of the most recent average selling prices of houses and apartments in Belgium , then at the regional level and up to the municipal level.

The online barometer also gives the evolution of these prices over the last 5 years and allows a comparison of prices between municipalities.



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