Want to close the door on labor immigrants from third countries: what kind of people should we let in?

Want to close the door on labor immigrants from third countries: what kind of people should we let in?

L. Kasčiūnas about his intentions to submit amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners, which would “make it possible to more effectively ensure the interests of national security, help honest businesses to find missing labor force abroad, provide more opportunities to carry out migration control, and remove actors engaged in illegal activities and parasitism”. posted on Facebook.

In the opinion of the head of the NSGK of the Seimas, it is necessary to compile a list of countries from which labor immigration processes are possible/impossible.

Such a list would be approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs after consultations with the State Security Department (SSD), the police and the State Border Guard Service (SBS), based on a motivated proposal from the Migration Department.

Lukas Balandis/BNS photo/Laurynas Kaščiūnas

“External service centers (migration documents are provided through them) must not be opened in countries where there is no labor potential, or migration from such countries poses a risk to national security,” explained L. Kasciūnas.

True, he added that this would not apply to persons coming to Lithuania for humanitarian reasons.

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2024-08-26 18:22:08

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