Wang Yi: China and the Philippines should eliminate interference, calmly and properly manage differences | Morning Post

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said yesterday (April 3) that China has always placed the Philippines as a priority in China’s neighboring diplomacy, and the two sides should eliminate interference, calmly and properly manage differences so as not to affect the overall situation of China-Philippines relations.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with visiting Philippine Foreign Secretary Locsin in Tunxi, Anhui yesterday.

Wang Yi said that China and the Philippines have a history of friendly exchanges for thousands of years, which has left valuable experience and important inspiration to the two countries. As close neighbors, the two sides should respect each other, understand each other, trust each other and support each other. Since Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte took office, he has firmly pursued a friendly policy toward China, pushing China-Philippines relations out of the trough and on the right track. This fully conforms to the fundamental interests of the Philippine country and people, and also promotes regional peace, stability and development. It is hoped and believed that this correct policy will be continued, the friendship between the two peoples will continue to be carried forward, and the pragmatic cooperation between the two sides will maintain a strong momentum.

Wang Yi said that China has always placed the Philippines as a priority in China’s neighboring diplomacy, and China’s policy of good-neighborliness and friendship towards the Philippines has maintained continuity and stability. The two sides should eliminate interference, calmly and properly manage differences so as not to affect the overall situation of China-Philippines relations. China is willing to work with the Philippines to speed up the construction of key infrastructure projects and help the Philippines to achieve more results in its “Build, Build, Build” program. China is also willing to continue to provide COVID-19 vaccine assistance and strengthen public health cooperation according to the needs of the Philippines.

Locsin pointed out that the relationship between the Philippines and China is becoming more and more mature, and the practical cooperation between the two countries has achieved historic results, bringing lasting benefits to both sides. China is a responsible major country that adheres to independence and peaceful development, setting a new example in a turbulent world. China has long promoted the development of countries in the region with its own development, and has played an irreplaceable role in global economic growth. China has led the countries in the region to unite in the fight against the epidemic, and the Chinese vaccine has become a “lifeboat” for everyone. The Philippines firmly opposes the argument that smears China’s “vaccine diplomacy”.

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The two sides exchanged views on the South China Sea issue and believed that maritime issues should be placed in the proper place in bilateral relations.

Wang Yi said that China is willing to work with all parties to take the 20th anniversary of the signing of the “Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea” as an opportunity to gather consensus on peace and stability, accelerate the consultation on the “Code of Conduct in the South China Sea”, and make joint efforts to build the South China Sea into a A sea of ​​peaceful cooperation.

Wang Yi emphasized that at present, it is especially necessary to prevent improper measures from interfering with or even damaging the relations between the two countries and the stability of the South China Sea. Locsin said that the Philippines is willing to strengthen communication with China and make joint efforts.

The two sides also exchanged views on regional cooperation. Wang Yi appreciated the important role played by the Philippines when it served as the coordinator of China-ASEAN relations (known as ASEAN in China), and expressed that China is willing to implement the outcomes of the China-ASEAN Commemorative Summit towards the goal of jointly building the “Five Homes” with ASEAN put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping, Formulate a new action plan, discuss the docking and cooperation with the key areas of the “ASEAN Indo-Pacific Outlook”, and jointly build an Asian community with a shared future.

Locsin said that the Philippines will continue to actively support and participate in the high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, continuously deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with China in various fields, and make joint contributions to regional development and prosperity.

The two sides also exchanged views on Myanmar and Ukraine issues.

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