Wang Xiaohui attended and delivered a speech at the opening of the 15th Sichuan Provincial Congress of the Communist Youth League_Sichuan Online

The 15th Sichuan Provincial Congress of the Communist Youth League opens

Wang Xiaohui attended and delivered a speech

On the morning of February 15, the 15th Sichuan Provincial Congress of the Communist Youth League opened in Chengdu. Wang Xiaohui, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Fu Zhenbang, Secretary of the Secretariat of the League Central Committee, attended the meeting and gave a speech.

In his speech, Wang Xiaohui fully affirmed the achievements made by the Communist Youth League of the province since the 14th Youth League Congress. Greetings from young people, members of the Communist Youth League and youth workers. He pointed out that young people are the future and hope of the motherland, the nation and the party, the prosperity of the youth makes the country prosperous, and the strength of the youth makes the country strong. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on youth work at the strategic height of ensuring the party’s cause is passed on from generation to generation and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, pointing out the way forward for the party’s youth work in the new era Direction, provides fundamental follow. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China issued a clarion call to the whole party to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. Carry out systematic planning and make a strategic deployment of “synchronization of four modernizations, integration of urban and rural areas, and common prosperity of five districts”, depicting a beautiful picture of Sichuan’s modernization in the new era and new journey. The grand goal is calling ahead, and the magnificent journey is at the foot. Contemporary young people are born in a prosperous age, the mission on their shoulders is extremely glorious, the stage for displaying their talents is extremely broad, and the prospect of realizing their dreams is extremely bright. Youth League members in the province must always keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s entrustment, conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, bravely shoulder historical responsibilities, fulfill the vows of youth, and fly their dreams on the track of realizing national rejuvenation. On the new journey of building a socialist modernized Sichuan, we will be full of youth and brilliance.

Wang Xiaohui pointed out that we should always aim high and forge youthful character in firm belief. Establish the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, insist on guiding the course of life with the party’s innovative theory, deeply understand the decisive significance of “two establishments”, resolutely shoulder the burden of socialist builders and successors, and contribute to the advancement of the party and The development of the people’s cause inspires youth and sincere dedication. It is necessary to improve the ability and quality, and show the youthful demeanor in the unity of knowledge and action. Maintain the eagerness to learn, adhere to the integration of theory with practice, strengthen the awareness of striving for excellence, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think and do things, and be good at doing good things, and strive to serve the people with true talents and contribute to the country with innovation and creation. We must be determined to work hard and contribute youthful strength in serving the overall situation. Always keep in mind the “greatness of the country” and “important affairs of the province”, give full play to the potential of innovation and creation, root in the feelings of serving the people, actively participate in the main battlefield of “simultaneity of four modernizations, integration of urban and rural areas, and common prosperity of five districts”, and bravely go to the difficult environment and the frontline of the grassroots To bear hardships, difficulties, burdens, and risks, truly become a new force and commando to promote Sichuan’s modernization in the new era and new journey. We must consciously uphold morality and be good, and show a youthful image in leading the fashion. Cultivate noble conduct, carry forward the spirit of struggle, temper a strong style of work, promote truth, goodness and beauty, spread positive energy, maintain a clean and vigorous atmosphere, and show new responsibilities and new deeds in the new era and new journey.

Wang Xiaohui pointed out that youth work is a strategic work of the party. League organizations at all levels in the province should take cultivating socialist builders and successors as a fundamental task, give full play to the role of bridges, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of the work of the Communist Youth League, organize and mobilize young people to actively participate in practice and make contributions, and promote the modernization of Sichuan. Make new contributions. Party committees (party groups) at all levels in the province must devote great energy to the work of young people from the strategic height of ensuring the successor of the party’s cause. Party organizations at all levels must conscientiously implement the system and mechanism of party building leading the league building, and support the Communist Youth League organizations to play a better role.

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Fu Zhenbang congratulated the opening of the conference. He pointed out that the Sichuan Communist Youth League must adhere to the correct political direction, continue to promote the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and go deeper and more realistically; The strategic deployment of governing Sichuan and rejuvenating Sichuan has always been the vanguard force in organizing the permanent struggle of young people in Sichuan; serving the all-round development of young people has always become the strongest bridge link between the party and youth; The advanced organization at the forefront organizes and mobilizes young people who are members of the league to work together with the people of the province to write a more brilliant chapter of youth in the new era and new journey.

At the opening ceremony, representatives of the Young Pioneers delivered a speech, and the responsible comrades of the Provincial Women’s Federation delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the people’s organizations. Provincial leaders Yu Lijun, Chen Wei, Wang Fei, Yang Xingping, Liu Chengming, responsible comrades from the western theater and the provincial military region, and responsible comrades from relevant provincial departments attended the opening ceremony.

Sichuan Online Reporter Zhang Lidong Wu Hao Photography Ouyang Jie



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