Wanda – No One Else’s

2023-12-02 14:04:03

from Oliver
on December 2, 2023
in Single

Wanda try the single With no one else regarding coping with grief – and deliver a moving number that articulates kitsch that is inherently pleasing in a truly authentic and touching way.

It was just a necessity to do itsays Marco Michael Wanda regarding the song in which the band deals with the death of their keyboardist Christian Hummer (and also the father of singer Marco).
This happens via a contemplative, babbling ballad that is reminiscent of the synth motif of It‘s My Life in slow motion on a piano and an almost trippy leaning back beat, reduced with reverb, springing into the aesthetics of the 80s – and transience.

“You ask me if everything will be okay / Like a child who doesn’t notice that it’s getting older / I won’t be with anyone else when this all goes down / I won’t be with anyone else when the world ends / And your fear of the end is as old as humanity itself / And when you think it’s ending, I’ll be there and I’ll hold you tight“ sings Wanda and his singing comes across as pleasantly unpolished in contrast to the smooth production.
Later, a sporadically appearing guitar (with a sad howling solo) and a soft, comforting choir accompaniment (which even vaguely reminds us of Nick Cave) provide texture. With no one else and turn the single “eh, eh” into an instant catchy tune, whose greatest virtue, alongside the gentle stylistic development for the band, is probably its genuinely authentic atmosphere.
If this is an adequate outlook on the successor to Amore (2014), Bus’s (2015), Nothing (2017), Ciao! (2019) and Wanda (2022), the anticipation for the Viennese’s sixth long player is definitely increasing.

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