Walter Ríos reported 90 people in 40 corruption cases

As part of the effective collaboration agreement, the former president of the Superior Court of Callao Walter Ríos Montalvo provided information on 40 cases of corruption that commit around 90 people (see list), according to the resolution of the supreme judge Hugo Núñez Julca.

Ríos faces 45 charges for crimes of up to 30 years in prison, but with the effective collaboration agreement has gotten a 12-year sentence prison. In return, he will be the main witness in the proceedings against the members of the criminal organization ‘Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto’, many of whom are identified in the recordings of telephone conversations between judges, prosecutors, members of the former National Council of the Magistracy (CNM), lawyers and businessmen, especially.

The Republic has had access to the ruling of the Supreme Judge Hugo Núñez Julca, who approved the effective collaboration in favor of Walter Ríos. Of the 40 corruption cases in which Ríos admitted direct participation, in 18 he has denounced as an accomplice Former Supreme Judge César Hinostroza Pariachi. He is involved in the fingered appointment of judges, hiring of servers recommended by friends, settlement of judicial decisions for the benefit of businessmen, interference in the conformation of the CNM, assignments to positions in exchange for favors, etc.

In order to reduce the penalty that corresponded to him for the crimes he perpetrated, Walter Rios has offered detailed information on legal actions that favored several businessmen. Mario Mendoza Diaz It appears related to 7 cases of corruption, as Walter Ríos has confessed, because he intervened in these events, such as in the appointment of judges or interfering for the benefit of others with judicial problems.

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Salvador Ricci Cortez is another of the businessmen who is mentioned frequently by Walter Ríos, not only in the judicial sphere but also in the field of contracting. They took advantage of links to always get a chance to earn money.

Those involved in the denunciations of Walter Ríos

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Infographic – The Republic

Infographic – The Republic

Infographic - The Republic

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Infographic – The Republic

Infographic – The Republic

Infographic - The Republic

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Infographic – The Republic

Infographic – The Republic

Key character

According to the established norms, effective collaborators such as Walter Ríos must prove the facts about which they have knowledge. It is not enough to declare.

The authorities determined that ‘The White Necks of the Port’ It was made up of an external network made up of trial lawyers and businessmen. Then, through an internal network made up of administrative and jurisdictional servers of the Superior Court of Callao. And by a third network made up of members of the Supreme Court of Justice, some members of the National Council of the Magistracy, with public officials and businessmen.

” (Walter Ríos) has been identified as a ‘key man’ within the structure of the internal network of said criminal organization in the Superior Court of Justice of Callao. However, the collaboration provided has made it possible to identify the actions of senior officials, magistrates, businessmen who occupied a more important role in the other networks of the structure of the criminal organization called ‘Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto’ ”, indicated judicial sources.

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What Walter Ríos has delivered ” has allowed us to know the actions within the so-called network made up of senior officials of the alleged criminal organization, who used the Superior Court of Justice of Callao for their own interests, as well as their actions outside the scope of said Court, as is the case of the members of the National Council of the Magistracy, of various magistrates of the Supreme Court and applicants for said senior position.

Former members of the CNM.  Guido Aguila Grados, Orlando Velásquez Benites and Sergio Noguera Ramos, betrayed by Walter Ríos in the effective collaboration approved by the Supreme Court.  Photo: composition / diffusion

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Former members of the CNM. Guido Aguila Grados, Orlando Velásquez Benites and Sergio Noguera Ramos, betrayed by Walter Ríos in the effective collaboration approved by the Supreme Court. Photo: composition / diffusion

Former members of the CNM. Guido Aguila Grados, Orlando Velásquez Benites and Sergio Noguera Ramos, betrayed by Walter Ríos in the effective collaboration approved by the Supreme Court. Photo: composition / diffusion

Shock waves

In addition, the information provided has revealed ” the penetration of said criminal organization in other higher courts, such as the Superior Court of Justice of Lima, and the actions of the main actors of the external network made up of businessmen and lawyers. who handled the judicial processes of their interest, according to their convenience, ” said the judicial sources.

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For this reason, a large number of people involved in the 40 cases mentioned by Walter Ríos, several of which are repeated in both events. That a large part of the 90 involved are magistrates of the Supreme Court, from different Superior Courts, implies that they have been fully identified by someone who knew of their movements from within the organization.

In addition, Walter Ríos cooperated in identifying the people who appear in hundreds of the wiretaps that were made to the members of ‘Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto’.

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“It has collaborated in the identification of places, people, as well as in the analysis of their communications that have allowed the corroboration of the information provided,” the sources indicated.

But they also highlighted “the risk assumed by the collaborator when declaring about these events that involve knowing the actions of a criminal organization.”

On the list.  The businessmen Raúl Saba de Rivero and Mario Mendoza Díaz and the former Supreme Judge José Luis Lecaros, who have been pointed out by the former president of the Callao Court Walter Ríos.  Photo: composition / diffusion

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On the list. The businessmen Raúl Saba de Rivero and Mario Mendoza Díaz and the former Supreme Judge José Luis Lecaros, who have been pointed out by the former president of the Callao Court Walter Ríos. Photo: composition / diffusion

On the list. The businessmen Raúl Saba de Rivero and Mario Mendoza Díaz and the former Supreme Judge José Luis Lecaros, who have been pointed out by the former president of the Callao Court Walter Ríos. Photo: composition / diffusion

With the judgment of the Supreme Judge Hugo Núñez JulcaNow Walter Ríos has promised to intervene in all cases derived from his denunciations.

” You have to appear before the Peruvian judicial authorities and before the Public ministry, as many times as required, to ratify or complement, if applicable, the content of their statements, ” the sources indicated.

The Supreme Judge Hugo Julca, after detailing the serious crimes attributed to Walter Ríos, mentions in the sentence that the highest sentence is applied to him.

” Regarding the deprivation of liberty, the most serious crime must be taken into account, since it is a heterogeneous contest, in this case, it is the crime of criminal organization (…), and since it is a contest case In fact, double the total custodial sentence is applied, which would be 30 years, ” says the judge in the ruling.

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But it was shortened to 12 years as a result of effective collaboration.

In the judgment of magistrate Hugo Núñez, it is detailed on a case-by-case basis how the information provided by Walter Ríos served the Public Ministry to open investigations for serious crimes.

“The meticulous information provided has been useful in preliminary investigations against businessmen and lawyers who have been favored in legal proceedings and which have led to investigations against these and various officials,” the ruling indicates. And it is obliged to “expand the extremes contained in its statements or develop other facts that are investigated and that are known to it.”

Indicated.  Walter Ríos mentions attorney José Luis Castillo Alva in five serious cases.  Photo: broadcast

© Provided by La República
Indicated. Walter Ríos mentions attorney José Luis Castillo Alva in five serious cases. Photo: broadcast

Indicated. Walter Ríos mentions attorney José Luis Castillo Alva in five serious cases. Photo: broadcast

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