Wallonia and employment: where is the sense of urgency?

2023-09-02 04:00:28

The Walloon employment policy is not up to the challenges? Would fatalism have prevailed by dint of tolerance?

They are hurting, the employment figures in Wallonia. There are more than 220,000 job seekers there. There are also some 40,000 vacancies, some 90 shortage professions to which are added more than 60 so-called “critical” functions, where the shortage threatens.

Between this demand and this supply which cannot be found, there is the Forem. The public body, its name says it well, has the mission of training to put or put back to work. How many people has Forem trained in 2022? 21,881 (one in ten job seekers), including 7,681 in shortage occupations. You read correctly: only one out of thirty Walloon job seekers is trained in a job that is in short supply, these jobs for which companies seek to recruit without succeeding. In summary, we have a big problem.

In the light of these figures, it is not falling into primary adequationism to affirm that the Walloon employment policy is not not up to par issues.

We hear from here the calls for nuance: the case is complex, not everyone is made for a job in short supply,umy job seekers are too far removed from the world of work and will not join it, the bag of French-speaking institutional node does not help (for example: teaching depends on the Federation Wallonia Brussels but employment concerns the Regions), our heavy taxation either. And then watch out for badly paid jobs, precarious contracts, job traps. We pass.

Has politics yielded to fatalism by dint of tolerance?

Of course, the question is complex and this complexity calls for nuance, just as empathy is essential for each individual trajectory. But these necessary nuances cannot take the place of excuses. They cannot justify the unjustifiable: that only one out of thirty job seekers is trained in a job in short supply (see the list: it is as long as it is varied), it is very insufficient, incomprehensible and completely off the mark.

No fatalism

Where is the sense of urgency in the face of employment challenges in Wallonia? Isn’t it time to look in detail and without taboo at the functioning of the Forem, to assess its real effectiveness responsibly? Shouldn’t we rationalize our action? And above Forem, shouldn’t the Walloon government dare a firmer policy? Has politics yielded to fatalism by dint of tolerance?

#Wallonia #employment #sense #urgency



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