Walking to the Grassroots in the New Year, Dialogue with City Guardians | “Model Worker” Li Guangrong: A Familiar Figure in the City’s Fireworks_Southern Net

  Editor’s note:Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new year, thousands of families celebrate reunion with lights. It’s another new year, and there are always some workers who take “Gang” as their home. They shuttle around the streets and alleys, carefully decorating the city, and caring for the harmony of thousands of families. Guangzhou urban management teamed up with Nanfang.com and Yuexue.com to launch a special report on “New Year’s walk to the grassroots and dialogue with urban caregivers”, recording the work of front-line urban management personnel and telling their heart-warming stories of sticking to their posts.

  On New Year’s Eve this year, Li Guangrong finally returned to his hometown in Beiliu, Guangxi, and had a reunion dinner with his family. During the Spring Festival in previous years, he often took the initiative to stay at his post. He told reporters: “I have been working outside for more than 30 years, and the number of times I have been home is very small!”

  He is now the squad leader of Donghaoyong Yuexiu South Class of the Environmental Sanitation Facilities Maintenance Institute in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. labour is the honour! Every morning, walking through the clean streets of the city, Li Guangrong felt unspeakable joy in his heart. In his ordinary job, he constantly carries forward the spirit of model workers, labor, and craftsman, constantly innovates and seeks breakthroughs, and has always had the same sense of responsibility to care for the beautiful cityscape. Because of the excellent work,2020In 2010, he was awarded the “Model Worker of Guangdong Province”.

  “Labour experts” in the eyes of the neighbors

  1990year22Li Guangrong, 19, went to Guangdong from his hometown in Beiliu, Guangxi to find a job. Seeing that many fellow villagers found jobs and settled down, he encouraged himself: “I want to make a career in Guangdong.” Later, he became a sanitation worker.

  30Many years ago, the working environment of sanitation workers was relatively harsh, lacking the assistance of mechanized equipment, and they often had to clean up garbage with bare hands. At the beginning, the people around him didn’t understand and agree with his work, “A young boy who does such a dirty and tiring job has no future.” Hearing these words, he felt very uncomfortable, but there was a kind of energy in his heart, Determined to create a world in the sanitation industry.

  Walking on the street, he will kindly remind the neighbors who litter to pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment; he often uses the time following get off work to practice cleaning skills to improve work efficiency. Day following day, he gradually realized the working method of “sweeping the garbage on both sides of the road first, and then focusing on cleaning the garbage on both sides of the road” taught by the masters. For new colleagues, he also plays the role of “teaching and helping” and patiently imparting experience. He told reporters: “If you survive for three days, you will gradually get used to this dirty work.”

  He is not only diligent with his hands, but also diligent with his brain. He knows how to think regarding the details of cleaning skills; Some sunflower seedlings that can be reused are picked out of the discarded sunflower broom and bundled to the new broom, which not only increases the cleaning coverage, but also is more practical and convenient.”

  He is active and hardworking, and is recognized by the organization.From2010year3Since January, he has served as the squad leader of Donghaochong Yuexiu South Class, responsible for the sanitation and cleaning of the Donghaochong road section and surrounding areas. In recent years, the quality of environmental sanitation in Yuexiu District has been continuously improved. He walks Donghua East Road, Dongchuan Road, Nonglinxia Road, Shuqian Road and other road sections every day, and many neighbors greet him familiarly. Known for his excellent work, he felt a sense of accomplishment when he heard the praise of “urban beautician”, and he worked harder to do his job well, “I hope I can be worthy of everyone’s affirmation.”

  No matter how heavy and trivial the work tasks are, he never complains. He is very careful, and often cleans back and forth to ensure that the twigs and leaves are cleaned, and he never tires of it. No matter how early or late, the neighbors can always see him working and meet each other. He always has a smile on his face, like a caring “housekeeper”, guarding the beauty and cleanliness of the street.

  In recent years, Li Guangrong has won the title of “Excellent Urban Beautician in Guangzhou” many times, and has won the titles of “Excellent Worker in Guangzhou”, “Advanced Laborer”, “Best Sanitation Young Worker”, “Excellent Individual in Creative Work”, “Most Beautiful Worker in Yuexiu District” “And other honors, and honored to join the Communist Party of China.

  “Vanguard” of emergency protection

  In everyone’s eyes, Li Guangrong is a “vanguard”, wherever there is a need, he is there. In addition to doing a good job in street cleaning, he also excellently supported the Guangzhou Asian Games in various tasks such as health supervision and guarantee, typhoon prevention and epidemic prevention and control.

  2018In 2010, typhoon “Mangosteen” hit Guangzhou. At that time, he led his colleagues to take up the heavy task of cleaning up Donghao Chung, and tried their best to clean up the leaves and garbage blocking the drain. It is still inevitable to damage the landscape of Donghaochong. In the early morning of the second day following the “mangosteen” passed, he went to the scene once more with his colleagues to clean up the remaining branches, fallen leaves, sand, etc., hoping to restore the environment and order on both sides of the river to normal as soon as possible. “Usually many people come here to play, and cleaning up here early is to explain to the citizens and tourists.” He said.

  Through years of water control, Donghaoyong’s environment is getting better and better. How to maintain the achievements of environmental improvement is what Li Guangrong and his colleagues need to make unremitting efforts. Seeing that Dong Hao Chung was “dirty”, they always went to clean it up as soon as possible, hoping to restore Dong Hao Chung to its original clean environment as soon as possible.

  Every time there is a heavy rain, Donghaoyong needs to discharge the flood. In the original beautiful Donghaochong, there will always be garbage and mud left on its landscape platform and the municipal cleaning area along the coast. “Once the weather is bad, it’s time for us to maintain Donghaoyong’s environment.” He is used to this work rhythm.

  No matter how hard and tired he is, his heart will brighten up when he sees Dong Haoyong restored to tidy condition.

  good-hearted people

  Those who are familiar with Li Guangrong are not only because of his hard work, but also because of his good quality of being willing to help others.

  Once, when Li Guangrong was doing daily cleaning by the pool on the east side of Yong’an Bridge in Donghaoyong, he found a schoolbag, which had been soaked by rain, and contained mobile phones and other items. He thought to himself that the owner should be in a hurry to find it, so he waited for a while and no one came to pick it up, so he carefully took the schoolbag back to Yuexiu Nanban tool room for safekeeping.

  Soon following, the phone in the schoolbag rang. He connected the phone, checked with the owner and agreed on a time and place for him to come back to pick it up. An hour later, a man came to the agreed place to find him. After verification, he immediately returned the schoolbag to the owner. owner. The owner quickly thanked him and praised him for his noble character of being willing to help others and being generous with money. The kind and simple Li Guangrong said in a low-key manner, “These are what I should do.”

  As a cleaner who protects the environmental sanitation of Dong Hao Chung, Li Guangrong is dedicated and dedicated, and plays the role of “teaching and helping”, sharing cleaning skills with young colleagues, and contributing to the cause of environmental sanitation together. During the epidemic, he actively responded to the call to “report back to the community”, measured the body temperature of community residents, did a good job in the publicity of epidemic prevention and control, fought on the front line of the epidemic, and protected everyone’s health and safety.

  In his heart, Guangzhou has also become his second hometown. Every holiday, he always sacrifices the time to go back to his hometown to visit relatives, stick to his job, and ensure the beauty and cleanliness of the city. In the dead of night, his heart was full of concern for his parents far away. During the interview, the reporter discovered a detail. His WeChat name was marked as “Never change the local accent”, and the lines were full of nostalgia for his hometown.

  Li Guangrong has a kind of “old scalper” spirit. He works hard, remains unknown, and devotes himself to the cause of environmental sanitation. Facing the honor of being awarded the “Model Worker of Guangdong Province”, he said sincerely: “The honor belongs to everyone!” In the corners of the city, there are many labor figures like Li Guangrong, who make up the streets of the city, Also take care of the city’s fireworks.

Planner: Peng Zhiqiang

Reporter: Yang Zhiming

Poster Design: Yang Chenyue



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