Waldkirch: Peace circle in the Evangelical Paul Gerhardt Community Waldkirch-Kollnau: No new stationing of medium-range weapons! – Strong commitment of German diplomacy for peace, disarmament, climate and social issues! – Prevent nuclear escalation!

The Ecumenical Peace Discussion Group has been looking at Germany’s role after the end of the Second World War for years, primarily at the question of what can be learned from it. Today, almost 80 years later, its participants are anything but happy with Germany’s increasing involvement in the war in Eastern Europe. From the outset, its members have advocated a ceasefire and subsequent peace talks, similar to the war in the Middle East. Now all Germans are to be made ‘fit for war’. However, the increasing expenditure on the new armament is followed by funding gaps in hospitals, care, social services, education, mobility and prevention of the dangers of environmental crises. From the Peace Circle’s point of view, too little is being done to address the global challenges of maintaining a world worth living in for future generations. They can only be mastered together. The Peace Circle, a civil society group in the Evangelical Paul Gerhardt Congregation of Waldkirch-Kollnau, has, after intensive discussions, agreed on the following appeal, which is addressed to those in democratic positions of responsibility in politics at various levels as well as to the Federal Government:

Please do everything you can, including German diplomacy, to ensure:
– a ban on the first use of nuclear weapons! Nuclear weapon states such as the USA, Russia, Great Britain and France should follow China’s example and explicitly renounce the first use of nuclear weapons in their nuclear doctrine
– an end to the war in Ukraine and the Gaza war through sensible, recognizable diplomatic initiatives
– a rejection of the stationing of medium-range missiles in Germany, planned for 2026
– a strong diplomatic initiative for a successor treaty to the INF Treaty to stop the arms race in long-range weapons systems
– the termination of the Federal Republic’s nuclear participation within NATO and accession to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2022
– for peace education in schools in accordance with the peace mandate in the Basic Law and the State Constitution, including the maintenance of the civil clause at universities and colleges
– a ban on advertising for the Bundeswehr in schools; instead, for instruction in ‘social defence’ that renounces the use of armed force
– for the observance of the fundamental right to conscientious objection (Article 4 (3) of the Basic Law, which applies throughout the EU, should also apply to societies involved in wars
– for a no to forced recruitment
– for more investment in education, healthcare, climate protection and infrastructure instead of in armaments
– for promoting democratic exchange of opinions and objective reporting
– for a no to restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly

The Peace Circle points out that a nationwide peace demonstration is being called for in Berlin on October 3. See the link or https://nie-wieder-krieg.org/

(Press release: Ecumenical Peace Discussion Group in the Evangelical Paul Gerhardt Congregation Waldkirch-Kollnau – Johannes Maier, 23.09.2024)

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