Waited for a bus in Dublin and it never showed up? Please tell us.

Waited for a bus in Dublin and it never showed up? Please tell us.

Ah, the Mystery of Dublin’s Ghost Buses!

Welcome to the spine-tingling world of Dublin public transport, where ghost buses roam the streets and delightfully toy with our sanity! It seems to be a universal truth; the Dublin bus is like a magical mystery tour – only, instead of magical, it’s just… frustrating! You’re standing at the bus stop, positively buzzing with anticipation—you check your app and the display: “Nine minutes till arrival!” Oh, how thrilling! Until you hit the “Due” mark, and suddenly… poof! Your bus is gone, like a slight of hand trick gone horribly wrong.

You might think you’re waiting for a bus, but in reality, you’re waiting for something as real as a unicorn on a rainbow. Those cheeky “ghost” buses vanish into thin air, leaving you scratching your head and contemplating existential questions while you try to decipher the public transport system. Is it a bus? Is it a spirit? Or perhaps just a figment of your overactive imagination?  (Psst, it’s a ghost bus…)

The Plight of the Daily Commuter

Let’s take a moment to appreciate how this bizarre phenomenon affects real people: the everyday commuter. You know, the fine folks who are trying to ditch their cars, save the planet, and hop on public transport instead. Dublin Bus—the main operator—has become a bit of a ghost story itself. Cancelled routes, “due” buses that have vanished like that last biscuit in the cookie jar; it’s no wonder people aren’t *exactly* rushing to embrace public transport!

In March 2023, Thomas O’Connor from the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU) bemoaned the lack of drivers. Apparently, people aren’t lining up to work long shifts that might as well come with a complimentary dose of sanity! So, what do we have here? A concoction of driver shortages, ghost buses, and the ever-fading reliability of Dublin’s public transport! It’s like the perfect recipe for frustration—sprinkled with a dash of “What the hell is going on?”

Is the NTA Haunted by Ghost Stats?

It seems that the National Transport Authority (NTA) isn’t exactly painting the full picture either. Have you heard about those “lost kilometres”? The artistic way of saying, “Oops, we lost a few buses?” Naturally, those figures don’t include the plethora of reasons buses are cancelled, from major events to extreme weather conditions. Oh, let’s just hope nobody gets splashed while waiting for a bus that’s never coming!

What’s perhaps most entertaining is that their reliability data is more like a magicians’ act—manipulating stats to make their services look better than they are. If Dublin Bus were a performer, it would be the one that leaves you baffled and disappointed every time it takes the stage! (Spoiler alert: no one is applauding!)

The Solution: No-Show Bus Tracker

Now, here’s where the plot thickens: enter the No-Show Bus Tracker. Just when you thought the rampant ghost bus crisis couldn’t get any more ridiculous, a tool that invites the public to contribute data has emerged from the shadows! The idea is to bring all bus ghosts into the daylight, so we can collectively haunt the NTA with hard evidence.

Users are encouraged to report sightings of these phantom vehicles at noshowbus.ie. Imagine it—a community of bus watchers ready to throw some salt over their shoulders in hopes of keeping the ghosties at bay! This grassroots effort is all about transparency and getting accountability from those in charge.

The Road Ahead: Will Dublin’s Transport Ever Make Sense?

Looking ahead, one can only hope the new automatic vehicle location system will sort out this ludicrous ghosting situation by late 2026. We’re all keeping our fingers crossed—because let’s face it, not only is waiting for a ghost bus the most entertaining mistake you can make, but it’s also the quickest route to developing a permanent frown. (Trust us, the buses have been stretching their ghosting powers a tad too far! )

In the end, let’s rally behind our new No-Show Bus Tracker! Share it, use it, and let’s all become honorary ghostbusters—because we know that nothing will change if we leave it up to the professionals (or the apparitions) to fix it.



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