“Wait for a chance until all real estate regulations are lifted”

“Eventually, the real estate market deteriorates to the extent that all regulations are lifted. Opportunities will come if you wait and persevere.”

This is the real estate prospect revealed in an interview with Maeburi TV, Lee Hyun-cheol, head of the Apartment Cycle Research Institute. He said, “The time has come to loosen the regulations not because the government wants to loosen them, but because they have no choice but to loosen them.”

“There comes a time when the market is overflowing with unsold homes and construction companies face a risk of survival,” Lee said. I will take it out,” he added. He predicted, “The time when the real estate market in the metropolitan area reaches the bottom is expected to be around 2029-2030.”

On Maeburi TV this week, an interview with Elliott, a YouTuber who runs the YouTube channel ‘Elliott TV’, continues. He warned, “The time when the KOSPI and the won/dollar exchange rate crosses will come soon. In the worst case, the won might fall to 2,900 won per dollar,” he warned. He said, “The won price fell sharply in the short term during the International Monetary Fund (IMF) crisis in 1997 and the global financial crisis in 2008. In an interview with Koh Jun-seok, CEO of JEdu Investment Advisory, you can get detailed advice on the right time to buy a house. CEO Koh said, “You can buy a house cheaper than others through the auctions that will be pouring in from next year.

For more information, check Maeburi TV, a YouTube channel provided by the Ministry of Real Estate, Maeil Business.

[홍장원 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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