Waist circumference in adults, what is the ideal measurement?

2023-07-30 19:59:04

Definition, what is the waist circumference?

The waist circumference or abdominal circumference (AP) corresponds to the measurement in centimeters of the narrowest part of the abdomen. It is a complementary indicator of the BMI (body mass index) revealing our state of health.

What is the ideal waist circumference for adult men and women?

“There is no ideal waistline, but thresholds not to be exceeded in order to limit the risk of developing pathologies”, indicates Alexandra Murcier dietician-nutritionist. He’s from 88cm for women and of 102cm for men (source 1).

Waist circumference: what about children?

Even if the abdominal perimeter remains an important indicator of the child’s state of health, like the BMI; other measuring instruments such as the growth curve should be taken into account. “In children, be careful not to make an obsession with weight, the latter may see it as an intrusive side and eventually develop an eating disorder (TCA)”, nuance Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist.

What promotes belly fat?

If we notice a stronger tendency in men than in women to accumulate excess fat in the belly (abdominal obesity), at menopause, “the drop in production of female hormones (estrogens) leads to changes in the distribution of body fat: the thighs become slimmer and the stomach rounds out slightly,” explains Alexandra Murcier.

Other causes related to the hygiene of life are also responsible for a increased waist circumference such as lack of physical exercise, poor eating habits, lack of sleep or stress.

What is an increase in waist circumference?

The increase in waist circumference defines theabdominal obesity. “This increase is due to an accumulation of fat around the abdomen: “It is the most visible marker of the deposition of ectopic fat, that is to say visceral and perivascular, which increases the risk of developing diseases cardio-metabolic (metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure or diabetes if they are combined)”, explains Alexandra Murcier, nutrition practitioner.

The risks in detail

If it is possible to be overweight and healthy; conversely, having a normal weight but an increased abdominal circumference can be a factor in metabolic disorders. Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist

Pathological risks in women (source 1)

Risks in humans (source 1)

  • coronary insufficiency;
  • Type 2 diabetes ;
  • cancer colorectal
  • HTA (arterial hypertension)

How is the waist circumference measured?

The abdominal perimeter or waist circumference is measured in centimeters using a tape measure halfway between the 12th rib the iliac crest, feet slightly apart and normal expiration.

Find all the advice in our dedicated article: How to measure your waistline?

What to do in case of high waist circumference?

A large waist circumference may lead the doctor to prescribe complementary health examinations to check for abnormalities or diseases. Among which: a blood test with measurement of fasting blood sugar and cholesterol levels, a lipid assessment with in particular triglycerides or a measurement of blood pressure, liver analysis (transaminases), among others.

How to lose abdominal fat?

Rest assured, to find a wasp waist, you will not be asked to wear a corset like our ancestors, fortunately today there are much less “barbaric” methods to make the unsightly “little belly” disappear.

Eat balanced : “Limit the consumption of foods containing saturated fats (processed meat, fried foods, etc.) and those containing added sugar (prepared meals, cold cuts, mayonnaise, juice, etc.) in favor of a diet rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, etc.), explains Alexandra Murcier. Alcohol is of course also to be avoided.

To move : “Resume regular physical activity whether through the practice of a sport but also by the simple fact of walking daily by taking the stairs rather than the elevator”, specifies Alexandra Murcier. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the ideal would be to reach 10,000 steps a day to stay in shape.

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