VVD and D66: vaccination obligation in childcare with low vaccination coverage – NOS


NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 09:51

VVD and D66 are introducing a bill to ban children who have not been vaccinated from childcare. According to the proposal by MPs Tielen (VVD) and Paulusma (D66), daycare centers should be obliged to refuse children who do not participate in the National Vaccination Program.

Through this program, children are vaccinated against diseases such as measles and whooping cough. The obligation should come into effect when the vaccination rate (the percentage of vaccinated children) has fallen below 92 percent (‘the critical lower limit’). Employees should also have been injected.

Experts have been concerned for years about the declining vaccination rate. Six months ago, then State Secretary Van Ooijen presented a plan to increase the vaccination rate. He wanted, among other things, a district-oriented approach with information provided by healthcare professionals, but part of the House of Representatives wants more action.

‘Collective responsibility’

In the explanation of their law, VVD and D66 say that by being vaccinated, people protect not only themselves but also others: “People may be asked to contribute to achieving group protection and thus take collective responsibility for public health. “.

Tielen and Paulusma emphasize that parents retain the choice not to have their child vaccinated, but there are consequences if the vaccination rate reaches the critical lower limit.

It is not yet clear whether there is a parliamentary majority in favor of the proposal. NSC and BBB, among others, have already expressed criticism about it.

A few years ago there was also an initiative law on vaccination in childcare. That proposal (also from D66) was to give childcare organizations the option to refuse children who had not been vaccinated. That proposal was adopted by the House of Representatives, but failed in the Senate in 2022.

Vaccination Ruckus: A Cheeky Commentary on the VVD and D66 Proposal

Well, well, well, if it isn’t another chapter in the ongoing saga of parental decisions and societal obligations! So, VVD and D66 have teamed up to make a proposal that would make even a stand-up comedian raise an eyebrow—banning unvaccinated children from childcare. Only in politics do we see such delightful drama unfolding, like a soap opera, but with fewer cliffhangers and more public health implications!

The Proposal Unfolds

According to the fine folks at VVD and D66, daycare centers should be obliged to refuse entry to children who haven’t rolled up their sleeves for the needle party. You know, the one where you get jabbed against nasty things like measles and whooping cough. Because let’s face it—who wouldn’t want to engage in a little collective responsibility for health? It’s like being part of a club—without the questionable membership fees and forced book reading sessions.

Now, I can already hear murmurs of outrage from the ‘freedom first’ brigade who argue that parents should decide whether their child gets vaccinated. To that, I say, “Yes, dear parents, you can decide, just like you can decide whether to let your five-year-old wear Crocs in public, but sometimes you really shouldn’t!”

Statistics that Bite

Let’s get a bit nerdy for a moment. There’s a magic number floating around: 92%. The critical vaccination rate that ensures herd immunity. If we drop below that, well, it’s like leaving the door wide open to every illness on the block. It’s not just your child who’s at risk—you’re also putting other kids in danger. And if we thought teaching kids to share was tough, try explaining to them why Tommy from daycare isn’t there anymore because he caught the measles. It’s a tough lesson in responsibility.

The Chat about Collective Responsibility

In their shining proposal, the MP duo argues that vaccination isn’t just about you; it’s about protecting the whole group! They even have the audacity to throw around terms like “collective responsibility.” I mean, who knew that public health was a United Nations-style mission? “Sorry, kids, your altruism meeting is at 3 PM—please bring your vaccination certificates!”

But let’s not gloss over the juicy bits. Yes, parents will still have the *option* to choose not to vaccinate, but they should be aware that there’ll be consequences. It’s almost like a game show, isn’t it? “You’ve chosen Door Number 2, and what’s behind it? Not a fun-filled day at daycare!”

The Uncertain Future

Of course, this proposal is still hanging in limbo, much like that questionable fashion choice you made in your teenage years. While some are cheering it on, others like the NSC and BBB have already taken a firm stance against it. It’s like watching a political tug-of-war, where the rope is made of public health and parental decisions. What a time to be alive!

A few years back, there was a similar initiative that tried to give childcare organizations the option to refuse unvaccinated children. It passed through the House like that surprise twist in a movie, only to flop in the Senate like an overly ambitious soufflé. The drama continues!

And So, What’s Next?

In a world where TikTok dances take precedence over common sense, the question remains: will this bill fly? Are we ready to prioritize communal safety over individual freedoms? So many questions, and even fewer answers! Grab your popcorn, folks—it’s going to be a wild ride.

In summary, the VVD and D66 are shaking things up in childcare with quite the contentious proposal. It’s a blend of political maneuvering, public health necessity, and a sprinkle of cheek. Will we reach a resolution? Stay tuned, and don’t forget to get your vaccines—after all, the only thing we should be spreading are good vibes!



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