Vultepsi: “From the swimming pool to the language of hate”

The Deputy Minister of Immigration and Asylum gave a strict response to SYRIZA-PS regarding an announcement it issued yesterday. Sofia Vultepsi. In the announcement, the deputy minister speaks of misinformation, distortion and fragmentary reports on the part of SYRIZA and clarifies the position she took on a TV show about cost of ferry ticketsemphasizing that “it is a complex problem for which solutions are sought and must be found” and repeating that “holidays are a human right”.

Ms. Vultepsi’s answer in detail:

“In their attempt to forget about the swimming pool – a foot bath device for their feet, suffering from their struggles for the people, SYRIZA and Mr. Kasselakis are resorting to the well-known methods of disinformation, distortion and fragmentary reports, thus fueling the well-known totalitarian practice of character assassination and hate speech.

In a televised debate on the cost of ferry tickets, after I repeated many times that this is a complex problem for which solutions are sought and solutions must be found, after I stated that holidays are a human right, after I said that you cannot say “you will work all day time and you won’t go anywhere” I proceeded to the simple observation that “people find ways out, without saying that there should not be a solution, to go to the village or inland”.

I ended up saying that “on the islands there is a problem, there is no doubt, and more solutions must be found, but anyone who says they have a magic solution, that is not to be believed”. My last sentence was “so we must definitely look for solutions, there is no doubt”.

What does all this have to do with what was heard? None!

What does all this have to do with journalism? None!

But you see, SYRIZA must definitely distract attention from the racist speech and social Darwinism that are manifested through the attacks of Mr. Polakis with the latest victim being Mrs. Athena Linou, who came to be added to a series of targeting of persons by the politician, journalist and the judicial world.

These, however, belong to those that must be “beautified”, like the swimming pool in Spetses.

Thus, they “beautified” the troika and called it “institutions” and named the memorandum… Social Contract with Europe.

Obviously the “moral advantage” of the Left allows them all kinds of immorality”.

#Vultepsi #swimming #pool #language #hate



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