Vulnerable Indonesians at Risk: The Urgent Need for Awareness in Combatting Human Trafficking and Unregulated Jobs

TPPO, DPR Hopes People Are Not Tempted to Work Without Official Channels”/>

A number of prospective migrant workers queue at the immigration checkpoint at the Dumai Port International Departure Terminal, Riau. (ANTARA FOTO/Aswaddy Hamid/tom.)

MEMBER of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives Rahmad Handoyo hopes that education for the public will continue to be intensified in response to the increasing number of cases of human trafficking (TPPO). According to Rahmad, anticipation of TPPO is not optimal, especially the mode online scam. He also hopes that people will not be tempted to work as Indonesian migrant workers without official channels.

BP2MI must take preventive measures in collaboration with related ministries/institutions and local governments so that socialization and education reaches all levels of society,” explained Rahmad in his statement received by Parlementaria, in Jakarta, Saturday (14/9).

Based on data from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), as many as 698 Indonesian citizens became victims of TPPO throughout 2024. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received 107 reports of TPPO victims, of which 44 people have been successfully repatriated but the rest are still in Myawaddi, Myanmar.

For Indonesian citizens involved in online scams, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) and Indonesian Representatives have handled 3,703 people from 2020 to March 2024. Rahmad emphasized the importance of preventive measures.
Rahmad explained that the cause of the high number of TPPO victims is the desire to be able to go to work abroad through a fast track to being reckless because of the lure of a large salary. The public is expected to be more careful.

“The community must really get literacy so that when they want to work abroad, they must go through official channels. So that prospective PMI can be sure which company they are working with, who is responsible and their rights and obligations are clear,” explained the Legislator from the Central Java Electoral District.

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“Education on safe ways to find work abroad is very important. This is what I think is still lacking, proven by the fact that many citizens are still victims of fraud and TPPO crimes,” he added.

He appealed to people who intend to work as PMI to ensure the legal legitimacy of the distribution company, security, and work agreement. According to him, supervision and law enforcement against unofficial labor agencies must be tightened through cooperation between the government and the destination country of PMI.

“Indonesia needs to strengthen international cooperation to combat human trafficking, including with neighboring countries and international organizations. Supervision of labor agents and law enforcement against perpetrators of TPPO are still weak. This makes the perpetrators feel safe to continue their illegal practices,” he added.

Furthermore, Rahmad encouraged the government to increase diplomacy with countries that are often the locations of TPPO crimes. The DPR, he continued, always raises the issue of protecting Indonesian Migrant Workers.

“The diplomatic path has a very big role, including how Indonesia’s firmness is against TPPO actions because so many of our citizens have become victims. Indonesia must show its teeth against this crime of human trafficking,” he concluded. (H-3)

#Hundreds #Indonesian #Citizens #Victims #TPPO #DPR #Hopes #People #Tempted #Work #Official #Channels

What measures is Indonesia taking to combat human trafficking and protect migrant workers?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of human trafficking ​(TPPO) and ⁣migrant workers in Indonesia:

Combating Human‍ Trafficking: Indonesian Lawmaker Urges Public Awareness and Official ⁤Channels for Migrant Workers

The alarming rise in ‍human trafficking cases in Indonesia has sparked ​concerns among lawmakers and experts, ‍highlighting the need for increased public awareness and strict measures to combat this heinous crime. According to data from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), as many as 698 Indonesian citizens became victims of human trafficking (TPPO) in 2024 ‍alone.

The Dangers of Online Scams and Unofficial Channels

One of the primary causes of human trafficking is the lure of high salaries and fast-track employment opportunities‍ abroad, which often leads individuals‌ to take reckless decisions ​and ⁣fall prey to scams. Member of ‍Commission ‌IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Rahmad Handoyo,⁤ emphasized the importance of preventive measures and public awareness to combat TPPO.

“The community must ⁣be literate and aware of the risks of TPPO. When they want to work abroad, they must go through official channels. This way, prospective migrant workers can ensure the legal ​legitimacy of the‍ distribution company, their security,⁢ and work agreement,” Rahmad explained.

The rise of online scams​ has exacerbated the problem, with many victims⁢ falling prey‍ to fraudulent job offers and fake recruitment agencies. ⁢According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as many as 3,703 Indonesians ‌have been involved in online scams from 2020 to ⁣March 2024.

The Importance of Education⁤ and Official Channels

To combat TPPO, Rahmad stressed the need‌ for intensified ⁤public education⁢ and awareness⁤ campaigns. “BP2MI must take preventive measures in ⁢collaboration with related ministries/institutions and local governments so that socialization and education reach all levels of society,” he said.

By promoting safe and official channels ⁤for migrant workers, the Indonesian government can reduce the​ risk of TPPO‍ and protect its citizens from exploitation and abuse. Rahmad urged prospective migrant workers to be cautious and ensure the⁣ legal​ legitimacy of the distribution company, security, and⁣ work agreement⁢ before accepting job offers⁣ abroad.

International Cooperation and Law Enforcement

To combat human trafficking,‌ Indonesia needs to ⁣strengthen international cooperation with neighboring​ countries and international⁣ organizations. Rahmad emphasized the need for strict law enforcement against perpetrators of TPPO ‌and⁢ unofficial labor agencies.

“Supervision of‍ labor agents and law⁢ enforcement against perpetrators of TPPO are still weak. This makes the perpetrators feel safe to continue their illegal activities,” ⁣he said.


The fight against human trafficking requires a multifaceted approach, involving ‌public awareness, education, and strict law ⁢enforcement. By ​promoting⁣ safe and official channels for ​migrant workers ⁤and combating online scams, Indonesia can reduce ‌the ⁢risk of TPPO and protect its citizens from exploitation⁤ and abuse.

SEO Keywords: human trafficking, TPPO, migrant workers, Indonesia, online scams, official channels, ⁢public awareness, education, law enforcement.

Meta Description: Learn how Indonesia is combating human trafficking‌ and protect its citizens from exploitation and abuse. Stay informed about the latest updates and measures to prevent TPPO.

Official channels to protect migrant workers.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of human trafficking (TPPO) and migrant workers in Indonesia:

Combating Human Trafficking: Indonesian Lawmaker Urges Public Awareness and Official Channels for Migrant Workers

The alarming rise in human trafficking cases in Indonesia has sparked concerns among lawmakers and experts, highlighting the need for increased public awareness and



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