VTsIOM reported an increase in Russians’ positive attitudes toward migrants

About 81% of Russian residents do not harbor negative feelings towards migrants. Additionally, the same percentage of respondents are not concerned regarding people of other nationalities being around them, according to Mikhail Mamonov, head of the political research department at VTsIOM.

“We observe a lack of hostility towards migrants: 81% (of respondents – URA.RU note) indicated that they do not experience negative emotions towards those who have moved to their locality from other countries. This is a very high figure,” RIA Novosti cites Mamonov as saying.

According to him, only 12% of respondents reported experiencing negative emotions towards migrants. He stressed that based on the study’s findings, most Russians believe that the multinational nature of the Russian Federation strengthens the country. However, Mamonov emphasizes that VTsIOM is recording a tightening of migration policy in Russia.

In early July, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin announced that the Duma would support the initiative to expand the list of offenses for which migrants might be expelled from Russia, reports RT. The politician stated that another 20 articles of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation related to violations of public order and safety might be added to the list.


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Russian Public Sentiment Towards Migrants: A Study by VTsIOM

A recent study conducted by VTsIOM, Russia’s leading public opinion research center, reveals a surprising trend in public sentiment towards migrants in Russia. Despite ongoing political discussions surrounding migration policy, the majority of Russians do not harbor negativity towards people from other countries.

Key Findings of the VTsIOM Study:

  • Low Levels of Anti-Migrant Sentiment: The study found that 81% of Russian residents do not experience negative emotions towards migrants. This suggests a significant level of tolerance and acceptance within the Russian population.
  • Lack of Anxiety About Multinationality: The same percentage of respondents, 81%, indicated they are not worried regarding people of other nationalities being present in their communities. This further reinforces the finding of relatively low levels of anti-migrant sentiment.
  • Positive Perception of Russia’s Multinational Character: The study suggests that most Russians view the country’s multinational character as a source of strength. This perspective supports the idea that a diverse population contributes to a more vibrant and dynamic society.
  • Tightening Migration Policy: While the research highlights a positive public attitude towards migrants, VTsIOM also observes a trend towards stricter migration policies in Russia. This dynamic suggests a potential disconnect between public sentiment and political action.

Policy Implications:

The VTsIOM study presents a complex picture of public sentiment towards migrants in Russia. On the one hand, the findings indicate a relatively high level of tolerance and acceptance towards people from other countries. On the other hand, the tightening of migration policy suggests that the political landscape may be moving in a different direction.

Factors Influencing Public Sentiment:

Several factors might contribute to the observed public sentiment towards migrants:

  • Historical Context: Russia has a long history of being a multiethnic society, potentially fostering a sense of acceptance and familiarity with diverse populations.
  • Economic Considerations: Migrants often fill labor shortages in Russia, contributing to the economy and potentially influencing public perception in a positive way.
  • Cultural Exchange: The presence of migrants leads to cultural exchange, which can enrich the lives of both migrants and native residents, fostering a more tolerant environment.

A Need for Further Research:

While the VTsIOM study provides valuable insights into public sentiment towards migrants in Russia, further research is needed to understand the complex factors shaping this dynamic. Additional research might explore:

  • The specific motivations behind the tightening of migration policy
  • The potential impact of stricter migration policies on public sentiment towards migrants
  • The role of media narratives in shaping public perception of migrants
  • The effectiveness of existing integration programs for migrants


The VTsIOM study underscores the importance of understanding public sentiment towards migrants in Russia. While the majority of Russians do not express negative emotions towards migrants, the tightening of migration policy suggests the need for careful consideration of the potential impact on social cohesion and the integration of migrants into Russian society. Further research and dialogue are crucial for navigating this complex landscape and fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all.



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