VRT’s Refusal to Broadcast Conner Rousseau’s Controversial Video: The Truth Behind the Allegations

2023-06-15 18:51:00

The VRT refuses to broadcast the video of Conner Rousseau’s coming out and explains

The incident happened following the We Can Dance festival. Conner Rousseau had offered the person concerned to take him in a car with other people, but the boy quickly wanted to get out of the car. He then said it was petting. The boy also asked Rousseau to reimburse him for the taxi, which he was granted. Because he would then have indicated that there had been no inappropriate behavior, the judicial information was dismissed.

“It is true that a report was made to the West Flanders prosecutor’s office,” said Christine Mussche, Mr. Rousseau’s lawyer. “Remarkably, this report was made by a journalist. Nothing turned out to be true; the court dismissed the case because there were simply no facts. It would seem that a complaint has also been lodged in Antwerp with equally false allegations, but we have not yet been formally informed. It looks like a witch hunt once morest Mr. Rousseau.”

“I can confirm that a complaint has been lodged once morest Conner Rousseau”, declares the spokesperson for the Bruges public prosecutor’s office, “that he was questioned on this subject, but that the file was then dismissed for lack of offense”.

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