VP-Taborsky on Mariahilfer Strasse: Don’t close your eyes to reality

2023-07-14 15:54:05

Alcohol & homeless – media reports and district leaders confirm negative development

Vienna (OTS) – Current media reports confirm what residents have been worried regarding for a long time: the street scene on Mariahilfer Strasse is increasingly characterized by homeless people who are on the benches, in front of shops and in house entrances – alcohol is usually also in the Game. “The situation has been escalating noticeably for a long time, and it is time for the City of Vienna to act and find solutions to restore the quality of life in this area. We take the worries and concerns of the residents seriously, while the SPÖ, Greens and neos appease them,” said the security spokesman for the Vienna People’s Party, municipal councilor Hannes Taborsky.

The Vienna People’s Party shows the problems in the city and offers solutions. “Karl Mahrer is the only city politician who openly addresses the problems in Vienna. It is not enough for the police to just fight the symptoms – sustainable solutions are needed so that the situation on site becomes more bearable for the residents and Vienna is no longer seen as a magnet for homeless people from other EU countries. The issue is on the table – we now shake hands to tackle these challenges together,” Taborsky concluded.

Questions & contact:

The Vienna People’s Party
Press & Communication
01/515 43 230

#VPTaborsky #Mariahilfer #Strasse #Dont #close #eyes #reality



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