VP-Ofner ad SPÖ budget debacle in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus

2023-12-14 17:47:20

15th district due to lack of transparency from the SPÖ district leader in 2024 without a budget

Vienna (OTS) The district parliament voted once morest the SP budget proposal in today’s meeting. The parliamentary groups only received this two days before the meeting. District party chairman Felix Ofner states: “SP district leader Baurecht structurally bypasses the district representation. The elected representatives only find out regarding major projects from the newspaper; there is no discussion regarding them in the district parliament. This last-minute hasty budget has now been the last straw.”

“We want to achieve the best for the district together and don’t need the district leader to go it alone,” Ofner continued. The redesign of the outer Mariahilfer Straße and the new cycle highway on Hütteldorfer Straße were simply decided over the heads of the district councilors. Ofner expects the future: “The SPÖ does not have a majority in the district for its actions. The district is facing chaos and district leader Dietmar Baurecht bears sole responsibility for it. The district can only function together. We expect to work together for Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus in the interests of the citizens!”

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