VP-Mahrer/Zierfuß/Hungerländer to Wiederkehr: Where is the comprehensive prevention of violence in Vienna’s schools?

2023-11-17 16:14:03

Violence prevention must be permanent, mandatory and comprehensive – measures once morest Islamist moral guardians are missing

Vienna (OTS) “In view of radicalization, extremism and exploding levels of violence, including bomb threats, in Vienna’s schools, we have now reached a level of escalation that can no longer be resolved by increasing the number of cooperation and intercultural teams. It was grossly negligent on the part of the SPÖ and neos to only carry out violence prevention in a few schools so far. Extremism and violence prevention in schools must be permanent, compulsory and comprehensive. Individual projects in a few schools do not meet the needs,” said city councilor Karl Mahrer and education spokesman Harald Zierfuß regarding the measures once morest violence in schools presented today by the SPÖ and neos. “The constant pressure from the Vienna People’s Party to prevent violence in Vienna’s schools is now having its first effect. We will not reduce the pressure here until comprehensive extremism and violence prevention is introduced in all schools in Vienna,” said Mahrer.

The Vienna People’s Party sees the introduction of so-called “time-out classes” as a “step in the right direction” in order to look following unusual students in special support classes. However, the question arises as to how these can be organized and implemented given the acute shortage of teachers. It is also “urgently necessary and long overdue” to make parents of suspicious students more responsible. “It won’t work without parents. So far, the SPÖ and neos have always been extremely reserved here. We will look closely to see to what extent they follow their words with actions,” said Mahrer and Zierfuß.

In addition, the SPÖ and neos failed today to take measures from the motion for a resolution by the ÖVP and the Greens once morest “Islamist moral guardians” from the last local council, criticizes integration spokeswoman Caroline Hungerländer. This was actually accepted by the city government and assigned to the committee. It contains a comprehensive and well-founded package of measures to take targeted action once morest “Islamist moral guardians”. “Given the current situation in schools, it will not be enough to just scratch the surface. We have to examine such developments in Vienna broadly and address them from the ground up,” concluded Hungerländer.

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#VPMahrerZierfußHungerländer #Wiederkehr #comprehensive #prevention #violence #Viennas #schools

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