VP-Keri/Taborsky: Making Vienna safe – focus campaign on the Praterstern

VP-Keri/Taborsky: Making Vienna safe – focus campaign on the Praterstern

2024-03-15 12:08:37

New task force to combat youth crime – Interior Minister Karner guarantees security

Vienna (OTS) – After a key action last Wednesday at the Praterstern, in which checks were carried out in accordance with the Youth Protection Act and Aliens Law, it is clear that the People’s Party is acting while others continue to look the other way.
The district leader of the Vienna People’s Party, local councilor Sabine Keri, said: “In the last few days and weeks we have been experiencing an unprecedented wave of violence among and by young people, some of whom are taking to the streets organized in gangs and are making Vienna increasingly unsafe. Especially here at the Praterstern, which unfortunately features acts of violence far too often in the media, Interior Minister Karner is giving the right impetus with a key campaign to protect the city and its people.”

Since the number of crimes committed by young people and children under the age of 14 has doubled in the last 10 years, the establishment of the task force to combat juvenile crime is the right and logical consequence.
This is what the security spokesman for the Vienna People’s Party, local councilor Hannes Taborsky, said: “We have all heard the terrible news in the last few days, weeks and months. It cannot and must not be the case that our children grow up in a latent environment of uncertainty and fear. Young offenders must be taken out of circulation. The new task force created by Interior Minister Karner is actively taking action here.”

“The safety of the people of Vienna must not be at stake. We must protect our children and young people, hold criminals accountable and act consistently. Solutions are needed instead of polemics. Both the newly created task force and the focus operation at Praterstern are the right way forward here. Because the Vienna People’s Party shows solutions and acts so that people in all parts of Vienna feel safe,” Keri and Taborsky concluded.

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