vote-by-vote fight for Congress

Democrats made an unexpected show of force in hotly contested votes, despite high inflation and the unpopularity of President Joe Biden, whose term will not be politically handcuffed in the final stretch.

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The projections indicated, following 3:31 in the morning, local time, that the Republicans they might take control of the lower house but for only a few seats. The leader of the Republican minority, Kevin McCarthy, came out to announce last night that they would win in Representatives.

More cautiously, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last night that “although many votes remain too close to declare a winner, it is clear that Democratic members and candidates of the House of Representatives are strongly exceeding expectations across the country.”

The Senate – which today is tied at 50 to 50, with the definition towards the Democrats due to the vote of Vice President Kamala Harris – seemed very fought and we had to wait for the results of very close places like Arizona, Nevada and also Georgia, where neither of the two candidates reached the required majority and there would be a second round.

The big winner of the night is Republican Ron DeSantis, who swept Florida by more than 17 points and will be re-elected governedr. His wide victory catapults him as one of the great competitors for the 2024 presidential elections and it is possible that he will have to define the primaries with Donald Trump.

The Republicans obtained other key governorships such as Texas, where Greg Abbott won re-election over the Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke, who thus sees his chances of running for the White House as complicated.

Trump’s party also prevailed in the governorates of New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Iowa, Wyoming, Vermont, South Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas, where former White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders won.


Democrats won governorships in Maryland, New York, Rhode Island, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, and in Massachusetts, where Attorney General Maura Healey will become the state’s first female governor and the first lesbian to serve. that position in the US

These midterm elections, in which traditionally the opposition party usually winsacquired crucial relevance due to the divisive context in which the country finds itself and the precedent of the last elections of 2020, when Donald Trump lost, denounced fraud and did not acknowledge his defeat, a mantra that he continues to repeat today.

Just a fact from tonight: 34% of voters said Biden had not been legitimately elected in the last presidential elections, according to a CNN exit poll.

Americans voted Tuesday for the renewal of the entire House of Representatives (435 deputies), a third of the Senate (35 senators) and 36 governors, plus various local and state authorities. Referendums were also held on the right to abortion in four states: California, Vermont, Kentucky and Michigan and others on the free use of marijuana.



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