2023-08-13 04:01:00
The definition of voting is the following: “choose in a consultation”. The spontaneous feeling arises with the expression… how cute! But, past the moment of romantic explosion, let’s start rationalizing. Choosing in a consultation has several implications: a) being able to choose, b) personal decision. c) Allow processes.
A) Being able to choose: two wonderful words POWER: “to have the possibility of doing a certain thing”, opportunity. CHOOSE: “Choose or prefer.”
B) Personal, particular decision. This is essential. For adults, of course, we must do it on a daily basis and we will emphasize mainly for children who are going through a training process and of course for adolescents who not only have the possibility of voting in party political elections, but also have to exercise the choice every day, under many different circumstances.
Choose whether to go to a party or not, why. Choose a sport, career or trade. How to dress and why, how to react to aggression or flattery. Even choose the gender. Elections are lived at every moment. How we do it leads us to the next point.
C) Allow processes: In general it is a word that is not usually so friendly to us. In the era of “everything now”, the word wait, give time, reflect, is associated with waste of time or laziness. However, it is the key to getting somewhere with some security. Example: a child is invited to another child’s house for the first time. What makes you say yes or no? he has to vote. Give the verdict of him. Then internally you will have to analyze: do I like being with this person? But. At his house? But. What am I missing at home in that time that I will be absent? Will I like the games it has? How do I feel with your family? How long will it be? IM gonna miss? And many more questions that can be answered to reach the decision. Vote. “I go, or I don’t go.” Election and vote.
This simple example shows that it is necessary to know in order to choose. But what would happen if, while the child is making this internal selection, his responsible adult tells him… “come on, you’re going to have a good time”. Or…if you don’t go, then don’t ask me to come home. O…oops, you’re going to miss the cake I made.
Other examples that happen often are a bit later in time. When the vote is if I continue, if I am loyal to a certain group, although I don’t know if I feel comfortable with them or their attitudes.
To vote then is to select, from observation, knowledge, analysis, something. Discard others for some reason or circumstance. Filter exercises are generated throughout this process.
From the point of view of political elections, something similar happens. We receive information from the environment, from the media and mainly from family and friends. We grasp this and here begins the personal exercise, being able to make our personal choice. Am I choosing from my convictions or from what they say? What would I like to happen? Do I give myself time to listen and understand? What role do I have in what happens on this day?
We still don’t know of a better way of life other than democracy. Improving it is being the protagonist, of life itself, it is not necessary to get into any partisan color. In our existence we are surrounded by colors that many times we do not see, because we are in a hurry, because we have to comply and work or simply for distraction.
Voting is a daily exercise. How we do it is to mark our personality and leadership.
Lic. Laura Collavini