von der Leyen wins the Left – 2024-07-22 12:55:51

Vote in the European Parliament

After a partly controversial debate, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected by the European Parliament on Thursday with 401 votes.

Among the 284 votes against the EPP politician’s renewed term in office were those of Fidesz-KDNP and the Patriots for Europe group. Group vice-chair Kinga Gál had declared for the Patriots in the debate that Europe needs change, “because Europe is weaker today than it was five years ago.” Ursula von der Leyen is doing nothing for peace, has waved through the migration pact and is not protecting children from LGBTQ propaganda. Her first term in office was characterized by weakening farmers and Europe’s competitiveness. The Fidesz politician recalled vaccine contracts that were “suspected of corruption.” The von der Leyen Commission had curtailed the national sovereignty of the member states and abused EU procedures and funding pots for political blackmail maneuvers. Applying double standards became standard practice for her. Now she is causing further damage to Europe by boycotting the Hungarian Council Presidency.

The deputy leader of the Patriots for Europe group, Kinga Gál, gave the EU Commission President a bad report, but to no avail.

Greens instead of EKR on board

Ultimately, the CDU politician won her mandate with more votes than five years ago, but not as convincingly as the party discipline of the EPP and its alliance partners S&D, Renew and Greens (whom she was able to “convince” at the last moment) would have suggested: these four groups have a comfortable majority of more than 450 members in the new EP. The German was therefore no longer dependent on the votes of the ECR of Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. From Hungary, Ursula von der Leyen received nine votes from the Tisza Party (EPP) and the DK (S&D), and twelve votes against from Fidesz-KDNP (PfE) and Mi Hazánk (ESN).

FPÖ: “Bad news for Europe’s citizens”

In the debate before the vote, FPÖ politician Harald Vilimsky called for the Commission President to resign, citing the ECJ ruling just one day earlier that she had violated Community law by keeping secret information on multi-billion dollar corona vaccine contracts. After the re-election, the Fidesz alliance partner spoke of “bad news for Europe’s citizens”.

A Polish MEP from ESN went even further and declared that as head of this EU Commission, von der Leyen is responsible for every crime committed by illegal migrants; she does not belong at the head of the Commission, but in prison.

#von #der #Leyen #wins #Left



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